PHSM Image Inventory

PHSM Image Inventory 2023

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ROLODEX             PHSM_483_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         101 North Main Street, Leo Bohls Texaco Gas Station                                      19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_522_LIBRARY.TIF               BUILDINGS         102 6th Street, Phoenix 6th and Main; still there 2022; on verso, Gus Newberry home (unverified), Earl Briscoe home for 28 years                               19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_491_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         110 4th Street                                    200u

ROLODEX             PHSM_521_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         110 West 3rd Street, Phoenix     3rd and Church; still there 2022                       19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_488_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         111 4th Street, Etta Smith Home                               Smith, Etta                200u

ROLODEX             PHSM_489_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         111 4th Street, Etta Smith Home                               Smith, Etta                200u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_232_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         112 West 2d Street          Construction of the library, later remodeled as City Hall; library later relocated to 510 West 1st Street                        19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_234_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         115 South Main Street, Barkley’s Tavern and Menagerie postcard              Built in 1890; remodeled several times, burned and rebuilt, burned again in the Almeda Fire in 2020                         19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_479_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         115 West 3d Street, Bert and Kathyrn Stancliffe’s second home?                  Stancliffe, Bert Samuel, 1885-1986           19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_499_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         118 North Main Street, Dive Shop across from Barkley’s                Demolished for the Phoenix Civic Center                              19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_481_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         118 North Main Street, Dive Shop across from Barkley’s, later Jack’s Full Moon Saloon      Demolished for the Phoenix Civic Center                              20uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_477_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         118 North Main Street, Farmers Market, across from Barkley’s              Demolished for the Dive Shop; brought in by Mike Reese                             1963

ROLODEX             PHSM_478_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         118 North Main Street, Farmers Market, across from Barkley’s, rear of building             Demolished for the Dive Shop; brought in by Mike Reese                             1963

ROLODEX             PHSM_470_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         129 South Main Street, men in Gilmore car with dog on trunk in front of Associated gas station                                  193u

ROLODEX             PHSM_471_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         129 South Main Street, snow covered Main Street looking north from 129 South Main Street                                            193u

ROLODEX             PHSM_497_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         138 South Main Street, Coleman House Siskiyou Property Management in 2022                     19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_233_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         138 South Main Street, the Coleman and later the Carver House   Constructed in 1910; in the 1960s, the residence of Mayor Faye Carver, said to be the daughter of Lillian Reames Carver and Elmer Coleman          Carver, Faye;     19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_229_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         149 South Main Street, constructed 1922              Former home of Andrew Hearn, merchant and postmaster         Hearn, Andrew 19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_482_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         150 North Main Street, Colver House fire September 14, 2008 aftermath                                 2008

ROLODEX             PHSM_516_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         1975 Houston Road, Phoenix      Thomas V. Williams home and garage; color             Williams, Thomas V         19uu

ROLODEX1          PHSM_258_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         203 2d Street, Phoenix  Dr. Malmgren’s home, next to his office; built 1912                               19uu

ROLODEX1          PHSM_261_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         209 Main Street, Phoenix; Phoenix Grange 779                                  19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_485_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         209 North Main Street, Phoenix Grange Hall                                        19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_230_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         240 North Phoenix Road, previously Fern Valley Road     Built 1949 by Jeannette and Maynard Grove Grove, Maynard               1961

ROLODEX             PHSM_494_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         310 North Main Street, Blacksmith Shop in 2004                                 2004

ROLODEX1          PHSM_271_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         312 Main St, Phoenix      False facade, painted white, gone now                       19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_678_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         4881 Pacific Highway, Don Allen’s family home, circa 1990s                Old growth trees surround home; frontage is paved highway                     199u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_231_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         4881 Pacific Highway, Don Allen’s Farm  Contemporary photo of home; see #202 for early photo              Allen, Don           20uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_501_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         501 North Main Street, formerly Prince’s Grocery                                             2004

ROLODEX             PHSM_492_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         510 West 1st Street, Community Club built 1950 in 2004 City Hall         Demolished for the construction of the new library                         200u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_202_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Allen farm house, 1906; working on power lines to electrify the property; 4881 Pacific Highway, see #232      Grandfather James Allen 1853-1932; Carter Allen (Dads brother) 1889-1908                Allen, James       1906

ROLODEX1          PHSM_253_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Antique automobil, red car                                          20uu

ROLODEX1          PHSM_248_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Antique automobile rally, black car          May be Pop Bolz’ vehicle; the Almeda fire burned the storage barn                             20uu

ROLODEX1          PHSM_252_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Antique automobile, black car 1924                                         20uu

ROLODEX1          PHSM_249_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Antique automobile, blue car     2 men standing next to blue automobile; Reese’s Dive Center across the street                           20uu

ROLODEX1          PHSM_251_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Antique automobile, white car                                  20uu

ROLODEX1          PHSM_247_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Antique car rally, white car          May be Pop Bolz’ vehicle; the Almeda fire burned the storage barn                              20uu

ROLODEX1          PHSM_250_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Antique Reo roadster in front of the Grange       Dick Croly’s car                          20uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_510_PEOPLE.TIF BUILDINGS         Barlow house at 5th and Rose, sale sign outside                                                19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_211_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Barn on Main Street, near Oak Street intersection                Next to where Colver House stood; gone now                   19uu

ROLODEX1          PHSM_246_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Barn or garage on 2d Street ghost sign   Between the Grange and City Hall                       19uu

ROLODEX1          PHSM_270_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Carl Briscoe residence, Phoenix Highway 99 and 6th St; since remodeled                         19uu

KANTOR               PHSM_724_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Carriage van truck in front of train depot, standing man On verso, Auto rider Medford and Ashland                                191u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_223_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Clard Smith’s postal wagon to retrieve mail from train; pulled by garden tractor               Wagon in front of museum; Guinness Book of World Records     Smith, Clard M., 1869-1957                19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_460_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Coca Cola ghost sign on old Phoenix garage, moved from behind the Mercantile across the street to 2d Street and Main   Barn will be demolished for the construction of new Phoenix City Hall in 2022                               199u

ROLODEX1          PHSM_254_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF          BUILDINGS         Colver House postcard, circa 1970             Antiques 1854 Stage House: A bit of the Old West, Phoenix, Oregon; National Press publisher; gone now burned                 197u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_227_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Cooks Fountain business card, circa 1940s                                             194u

ROLODEX1          PHSM_259_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Cornelia Barnes’s residence, Main Street, Phoenix                                           19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_212_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Dudley’s Auction Company, 1940s era    People gathered around garage door, with automobiles parked along side                              194u

ROLODEX1          PHSM_266_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Francis McManus home, Phoenix             117 West 1st Street; built 1855; noted on verso, Jess Watkins home                  19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_218_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Gilmore Gasoline, alternate view, 1920s                Gallant’s Service                 192u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_217_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Gilmore Gasoline, Main Street, 1920s     Eat a Good Hamburger Here; Gallant’s Service; automobiles and truck in front – parade?                       192u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_219_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Hardware interior, view 1             Shelves of bottles and cans and paints                           19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_220_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Hardware store interior, man standing, view 2   Shelves of bottles and cans and paints                         19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_221_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Hardware store interior, view 3 Shelves of bottles and cans and paints                           19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_224_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Kitchen stove with pots, circa 1920s         Unknown                            192u

ROLODEX1          PHSM_260_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Louis Arthur Rose residence, corner of Church and 5th Street, Phoenix                L.A. Rose residence                        19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_225_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Man in overcoat and hat standing in front of luncheonette                                                19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_1001_BUILDINGS.TIF       BUILDINGS         Mercantile Store              Mercantile store, people in front, ca.1920                 192u

ROLODEX             PHSM_493_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Montgomery Home on 4th Street; same as #498                                               200u

ROLODEX             PHSM_498_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Montgomery Home on 4th Street; same as #498                                               2009

ROLODEX             PHSM_490_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Phoenix (Or.); Jackson County (Or.); Oregon. Jackson County; Community centers                                       200u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_204_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Phoenix Building Supply                Later era; small dog in doorway                              19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_207_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Phoenix Building Supply                Fuller Paints and Fix-It Shop signs on front of building; later era                           192u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_208_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Phoenix Building Supply                Later era                              19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_205_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Phoenix Building Supply, earliest photo circa early 1920s                Frame building with facade, sign to right; man standing to right of building                            192u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_206_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Phoenix Building Supply, earliest photo circa early 1920s, alternate view   Frame building with facade, sign to right; man standing to right of building                            192u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_213_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Phoenix Fit-It Shop         Adjacent to Phoenix Building Supply; man standing in front                     19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_214_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Phoenix Fit-It Shop         Similar view                        19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_215_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Phoenix Fit-It Shop         Two women standing on porch                 19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_209_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Phoenix Hardware          Arden Ice cream truck; 1940s era automobile parked along side                    194u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_222_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Phoenix Main Street, circa 1920s               Main Street, Texaco gas station on one side, another opposite; electric power lines                  192u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_228_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Phoenix Radio Service, 122 North Main Street business card                Dial Medford 622                             190u

KANTOR               PHSM_723_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Phoenix Train Depot real photo postcard              Group of men standing on deck, one holding Easy sign                      190u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_203_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Phoenix train station, late 1800s                The Southern Pacific extended the line south to Ashland in 1884 with four stations between Ashland and Gold Hill                     18uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_409_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Phoenix, Oregon main street with signs circa 1900                People standing on the sidewalk, dirt street, post office in the store, signs                           190u

ROLODEX1          PHSM_272_FAMILIES_FURRY.TIF             BUILDINGS         Raymond and Marie Furry residence, Phoenix   3d Street                   19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_216_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Shed in back of Phoenix Fit-It Shop          Man standing next to shed                 19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_226_B_BUILDINGS.TIF    BUILDINGS         Skinner’s Fountain menu BACK, 102 South Main                Skinner Building constructed in circa 1946; then waffle shop then Cooks Fountain, unknown, La Burrita, Socos, Los Tres Potrillos      Makos, Duke; Lafleur, Dick          1946

FILECABINET1B PHSM_226_A_BUILDINGS.TIF    BUILDINGS         Skinner’s Fountain menu FRONT, 102 South Main                Skinner Building constructed in circa 1946; then waffle shop then Cooks Fountain, unknown, La Burrita, Socos, Los Tres Potrillos                      1946

ROLODEX1          PHSM_262_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         TV Williams residence, Phoenix circa 1960             North side of house, facing Houston Rd                       196u

ROLODEX1          PHSM_263_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         TV Williams residence, Phoenix circa 1960, alternate view                Architect, Jamison Parker who also designed the Presbyterian Church                    196u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_210_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Union Oil Dealer, gas station                                       19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_503_BUILDINGS.TIF         BUILDINGS         Wier House, 1st Street                                  19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_458_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES       730 North Main Street, Triangle Food Market     Owners Bud and Mary Campbell; automobiles and truck parked outside         Campbell, Mary E. Kiairin; Campbell, Ernest Bud                1954

KANTOR               PHSM_709_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES       Barkley’s Tavern and Menagerie postcard            One of the scenic places of Southern Oregon. A rare collection of old guns and mounted animals from many countries. A handmade back bar of native black oak built in 1890. Highway 99 South, Phoenix, Oregon. Dexter postcard 26435-B same as earlier scan PHSM_234; different copy                           19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_698_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES       Cook’s Cafe Fountain, Jack (elder) and Lewis (younger) Cook standing near signs              102 South Main Street, Phoenix                                195u

KANTOR               PHSM_708_B_BUSINESSES.TIF  BUSINESSES       Ever Shady Rest Auto Park, Phoenix Oregon; verso; panorama postcard         Mrs. Rose Tillie proprietor                            19uu

KANTOR               PHSM_708_A_BUSINESSES.TIF  BUSINESSES       Every Shady Rest Auto Park, Phoenix Oregon; panorama postcard              on the pacific highway 3 1/2 miles south of medford oregon; cabins, automobiles; Mrs Rose Tillie proprietor                                19uu

ROLODEX1          PHSM_256_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES       Phoenix Building Supply alternate view                                 19uu

ROLODEX1          PHSM_257_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES       Phoenix Building Supply billboard             Kneeling man with two standing women, couple, small homes                         19uu

ROLODEX1          PHSM_255_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES       Phoenix Building Supply with Fuller Paint sign                                     19uu

ROLODEX1          PHSM_245_BUSINESSES.tif         BUSINESSES       Phoenix Mercantile        Phoenix Mercantile at the corner of 2d and Main, gone now; across is a barn and sign, still there                         19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_564_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — ASSOCIATED FRUIT           Packing crew and automobile, likely Associated Fruit, Phoenix                                             192u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_565_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — ASSOCIATED FRUIT           Packing crew, likely Associated Fruit, Phoenix                                    192u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_566_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — ASSOCIATED FRUIT           Packing crew, likely Associated Fruit, Phoenix                                    192u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_652_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — NORTON LUMBER             Norton Lumber Company with cars in front, circa 1970s                         Norton, Marcus Elmo “Red” (1910-2006)               197u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_653_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — NORTON LUMBER             Norton Lumber Company, newspaper advertisement                                          2000

FILECABINET1B PHSM_650_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — NORTON LUMBER             Norton Lumber, crew standing in front of building under sign                                         197u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_648_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — NORTON LUMBER             Norton Lumber, Kubotamoving trusses                                 197u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_644_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — NORTON LUMBER             Norton Lumber, lumber bins, Phoenix               Men loading or unloading lumber into bins                          1953

FILECABINET1B PHSM_645_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — NORTON LUMBER             Norton Lumber, lumber bins, Phoenix               Back of facility                   1953

FILECABINET1B PHSM_646_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — NORTON LUMBER             Norton Lumber, store front under construction                                       1953

FILECABINET1B PHSM_643_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — NORTON LUMBER             Norton Lumber, their first retail store, Phoenix  Man standing in front of store, barrels; Red Norton ?, founder                   1953

FILECABINET1B PHSM_647_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — NORTON LUMBER             Norton Lumber, truck with signs and doll house on truck bed                                        195u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_649_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — NORTON LUMBER             Norton Lumber, work area under shed, construction trusses                                           197u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_651_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — NORTON LUMBER             Red Norton, founder of Norton Lumber Company            Marcus Elmo “Red” Norton         Norton, Marcus Elmo “Red” (1910-2006)               197u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_410_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — OREGON LIQUID GAS       Construction permit and license for Oregon Liquid Gas at 627 North Main Street                        Adams, Dan        1959

FILECABINET1B PHSM_420_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — OREGON LIQUID GAS       Oregon Liquid Gas Co., member of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association              accessioned 2017.07.02                 1961

FILECABINET1B PHSM_415_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — OREGON LIQUID GAS       Oregon Liquid Gas gas tank on railroad                                 1961

FILECABINET1B PHSM_417_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — OREGON LIQUID GAS       Oregon Liquid Gas SHPX 3971 tank on rail tracks                                       1961

FILECABINET1B PHSM_419_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — OREGON LIQUID GAS       Oregon Liquid Gas store interior                Man standing amidst stoves, heaters, tanks; accessioned 2017.07.01                       1961

FILECABINET1B PHSM_418_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — OREGON LIQUID GAS       Oregon Liquid Gas tank on rail tracks and gas pipe connection                                               1961

FILECABINET1B PHSM_416_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — OREGON LIQUID GAS       Oregon Liquid Gas tank on stand, American Pipe and Concrete                                      1961

FILECABINET1B PHSM_413_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — OREGON LIQUID GAS       Oregon Liquid Gas tanks, Shell Propane                                               1959

FILECABINET1B PHSM_411_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — OREGON LIQUID GAS       Oregon Liquid Gas trucks, tanks and building at 627 North Main Street                                             1959

FILECABINET1B PHSM_412_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — OREGON LIQUID GAS       Oregon Liquid Gas, dog in yard, view across North Main Street                                   1959

FILECABINET1B PHSM_414_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — OREGON LIQUID GAS       Oregon Liquid Gas, two men                                      1959

FILECABINET1B PHSM_639_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — PHOENIX GAS WORKS     Dorothy Keene and Darlene Moore in tub, Phoenix Gas Works in background                             Keene, Dorothy; Moore, Darlene             19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_640_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — PHOENIX GAS WORKS     Homer Reed, operator of the Phoenix Gas Works                         Reed, Homer     19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_641_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — PHOENIX GAS WORKS     Phoenix Gas Works, north of town                                                19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_642_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — PHOENIX GAS WORKS     Phoenix Gas Works, north of town                                                19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_638_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — PHOENIX GAS WORKS     Railroad, train, structure                Small photo, presumed to be Phoenix Gas Works                             1942

FILECABINET1B PHSM_425_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — TRIGONIA OIL AND GAS CO.         2 documents Trigonia Oil and Gas Co, E.G. Coleman 100 shares, dated Jan 30, 1920; Harry Reams 25 shares, dated Dec 10, 1919                      Reames, Harry; Coleman, Elmer   1919

FILECABINET1B PHSM_421_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — TRIGONIA OIL AND GAS CO.         Trigonia Oil and Gas Co. no. 201 stock certificate 100 shares, E.G. Coleman shareholder, Charles Lilly president            Elmer Coleman was involved with Harry Reams and the Phoenix Merchantile          Coleman, Elmer; Lilly, Charles     1920

FILECABINET1B PHSM_423_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — TRIGONIA OIL AND GAS CO.         Trigonia Oil and Gas Co. no. 2404 stock certificate 10 shares valued at $1.00 each, Harry Reams shareholder, S. Patterson president                  Reames, Harry; Patterson, S          1921

FILECABINET1B PHSM_429_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — TRIGONIA OIL AND GAS CO.         Trigonia Oil and Gas Co. no. 2521 stock certificate, Harry Reams 10 shares dated Sept 1, 1921, S. Patterson president, EW Liljegran secretary                 Reames, Harry; Patterson, S; Liljegran, E.W.        1921

FILECABINET1B PHSM_427_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — TRIGONIA OIL AND GAS CO.         Trigonia Oil and Gas Co. no. 74 stock certificate, Harry Reams 25 shares dated Dec 10, 1919                   Reames, Harry  1919

FILECABINET1B PHSM_426_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — TRIGONIA OIL AND GAS CO.         Trigonia Oil and Gas Co., Harry Reams 30 shares bonus statement, dated October 1, 1921; stock certificates 2404, 2422, 2521                         Reames, Harry     1921

FILECABINET1B PHSM_433_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — TRIGONIA OIL AND GAS CO.         Trigonia Oil and Gas Co., no. 1270 stock certificate, Mrs A.B. Ferns 250 shares dated Jan 28, 1921, Charles Lilly president, EW Liljegran secretary                accession 2017.01            Ferns, Mona; Lilly, Charles; Lilegran, E.W.              1921

FILECABINET1B PHSM_431_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — TRIGONIA OIL AND GAS CO.         Trigonia Oil and Gas Co., no. 2422 stock certificate, Harry Reams 10 shares dated Aug 1, 1921, S. Patterson president, EW Lilyegran secretary                 Reames, Harry; Patterson, S; Liljegran, E.W.        1921

FILECABINET1B PHSM_434_BUSINESSES.TIF       BUSINESSES — TRIGONIA OIL AND GAS CO.         Trigonia Oil and Gas Co., Stock certificate, Mrs A.B. Ferns 250 shares dated Jan 28, 1921, Charles Lilly president, EW Liljegran secretary                                      1921

ROLODEX             PHSM_509_CHURCHES.TIF          CHURCHES — OTHER       411 West 1st Street, Phoenix      First Christian Church, in 2022 Rivers of Living Water Church                     19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_680_CHURCHES.TIF          CHURCHES — PRESBYTERIAN       An Old Fashion Christmas Greeting, Presbyterian Church of Phoenix                Church stood on the location of the present day Phoenix Historical Society Museum                                189u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_1002_CHURCHES.TIF        CHURCHES — PRESBYTERIAN       Church in Pines Church on site where museum now stands, ca late 1800’s                         189u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_293_CHURCHES.TIF          CHURCHES — PRESBYTERIAN       First Presbyterian Church of Phoenix, Oregon circa 1920            Location of the first church at 607 North Church Street, also known as Church of the Pines            First Presbyterian Church (Phoenix, Or.)         192u

KANTOR               PHSM_701_A_CHURCHES.TIF    CHURCHES — PRESBYTERIAN       Greeting from Phoenix, Ore; Presbyterian Church; postcard                                              191u

KANTOR               PHSM_701_B_CHURCHES.TIF     CHURCHES — PRESBYTERIAN       Greeting from Phoenix, Ore; Presbyterian Church; verso; postcard                The first church. She attended on Easter Sunday, 1902. Addressed to Miss Gertrude Hargrave, Medford, Oregon; not posted                               1902

FILECABINET1B PHSM_294_CHURCHES.TIF          CHURCHES — PRESBYTERIAN       Mr. and Mrs. Clyde and their pet cat                Reverend William Clyde was First Presbyterian Church minister, 1882-1883 and 1897-1903; photo taken in their home in Ashland, 1901 on verso                Clyde, William    1901

FILECABINET1B PHSM_300_CHURCHES.TIF          CHURCHES — PRESBYTERIAN       Mrs. Grace Frame plays the First Presbyterian Church organ          Pipe organ given by the First Methodist Church of Ashland , now on display at the Southern Oregon Historical Society in Medford; on verso, Weldon pumped it by hand in the church             Frame, Grace; First Presbyterian Church (Phoenix, Or.)         1910

FILECABINET1B PHSM_296_CHURCHES.TIF          CHURCHES — PRESBYTERIAN       Mrs. Grace Frame sits at the organ in the First Presbyterian Church of Phoenix      Pipe organ given by the First Methodist Church of Ashland, now on display at the Southern Oregon Historical Society; Mrs. Henry Frame talks with a man standing at the pipe organ           Frame, Grace; First Presbyterian Church (Phoenix, Or.)         1910

FILECABINET1B PHSM_295_CHURCHES.TIF          CHURCHES — PRESBYTERIAN       Mrs. Henry Frame plays the First Presbyterian Church organ          Grace Frame, close side view     Frame, Grace; First Presbyterian Church (Phoenix, Or.)  1910

FILECABINET1B PHSM_299_CHURCHES.TIF          CHURCHES — PRESBYTERIAN       Mrs. William Clyde, portrait         F.L. Camps, Ashland, Oregon photographer Clyde, Jemima M.            190u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_201_CHURCHES.TIF          CHURCHES — PRESBYTERIAN       Phoenix Presbyterian Church, interior decorated for Christmas               Note attached, “Inside of old church decorated for Christmas by Mrs. Blackwood;” date unknown, could be 1862 church located at 507 Church Street; in 1928 the church moved to its current location and the building was used as a blacksmith after the new church built, before it burned                   18uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_298_CHURCHES.TIF          CHURCHES — PRESBYTERIAN       Reverend Mr. William Clyde, portrait      F.L. Camps, Ashland, Oregon photographer Clyde, William    190u

FILECABINET1B PHSM _689_COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS.TIF                COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS Ladies of the Phoenix Thursday Club, Founders of the Phoenix Library              Photocopy of photo; group of women                   196u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_132_B_COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS.TIF           COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS Phoenix women’s club names, group back                Women in rows, names listed; some children     Malmgren, Fredericka Barbara, 1872-1947                192u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_132_A_COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS.TIF           COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS Phoenix women’s club, group front              Mrs Malgram organized a women’s group that met in conjunction with Southern Oregon Normal School, and this photo may be related   Malmgren, Fredericka Barbara, 1872-1947            192u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_321_COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS.TIF COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS — LIONS               Lions International Guiding Lion Award, Lioness Club Sponsor patch    Two physical patches, orange and purple, one a ring 1″ wide and 8″ diameter; inside patch is 5.5″x5.5;                              197u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_320_COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS.tif  COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS — LIONS               Lions International New Club Sponsors patch Round orange and purple patch, approximately 5″ diameter                       197u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_319_COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS.TIF COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS — LIONS               Lions International President’s Retention Award, 1974-1975    Oval orange, blue and red patch, approximately 7″x4″                    1975

FILECABINET1B PHSM_318_COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS.TIF COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS — LIONS               Phoenix Lions International patch, 2015.06.02      Red felt on white background, approximately 7″x8″                        197u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_602_COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS.TIF COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS — PHOENIX CONCERT BAND                Phoenix Concert Band, Medford Fair, September 12       Real photo postcard; on verso, Row 1: Harry Reames, drummer, Pat Smith, Milo Furry, Clarence Fry, unknown, Raymond Furry with piccolo                     19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_502_COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS.TIF COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS — RED CROSS     WWI Red Cross, Phoenix families Graffis, Bailey, Ward, Fish, Littlefield, Reames, Furry, Hearn, Wright, Anderson, Watkins                                191u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_688_COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS.TIF COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS — THURSDAY CLUB                Thursday Club event, Dorothy Claflin in bathing suit costume with umbrella         Likely Mail Tribune lifestyle photo                                197u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_686_COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS.TIF COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS — THURSDAY CLUB                Thursday Club event, gowned woman throwing ball        Likely Mail Tribune lifestyle photo                            197u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_687_COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS.TIF COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS — THURSDAY CLUB                Thursday Club event, young woman in costume with badmitten raquet Likely Mail Tribune lifestyle photo                            197u

ROLODEX             PHSM_511_COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS.TIF COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS — THURSDAY CLUB                Thursday Club members               Organizers of Phoenix Library; Dolly Stevens far right      Stevens, Dolly   194u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_684_COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS.TIF COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS — THURSDAY CLUB                Thursday Club, three women looking at scrapbook          Thursday Club written on verso; likely Mail Tribune feature photo                    197u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_685_COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS.TIF COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS — THURSDAY CLUB                Thursday Club, two women looking at glass object           Likely Mail Tribune lifestyle photo                            197u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_573_FAMILIES_CATON.TIF            FAMILIES — CATON         Jennie and Emily Caton, portrait                Two women in formal dress, standing              Caton, Jennie; Caton, Emily         18uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_570_FAMILIES_CATON.TIF            FAMILIES — CATON         Sybil Freeman Caton, mother of Isabelle Furry, wife of Milo Caton              Nan’s great grandma smoked Star tobacco in a clay pipe                Caton, Sybil Freeman                18uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_568_FAMILIES_COLEMAN.TIF     FAMILIES — COLEMAN   Elbert Foundry Coleman, portrait, 9 years 8 months                Portrait as a young boy  Coleman, Elmer Grant   1875

FILECABINET1B PHSM_571_FAMILIES_COLEMAN.TIF     FAMILIES — COLEMAN   Frank, Elbert and Russell Coleman, portrait circa 1868                                             1868

FILECABINET1B PHSM_537_FAMILIES_COLEMAN.TIF     FAMILIES — COLEMAN   Will R. Coleman, portrait                               Coleman, Will R.               19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_484_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF          FAMILIES — COLVER        150 North Main Street, Colver House fire September 14, 2008 aftermath                  Bohls, Leo           2008

ROLODEX             PHSM_495_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF          FAMILIES — COLVER        150 North Main Street, Colver House with Old Stage House sign                                      193u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_315_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF          FAMILIES — COLVER        Colver House first floor plan, 1990                Drawn by Philip Dole in support of the National Register of Historic Places nomination    Dole, Philip         1990

KANTOR               PHSM_703_A_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF     FAMILIES — COLVER        Colver House, Phoenix, Ore; photo postcard                Colver House with horse and buggy to left of building; street scene                         191u

KANTOR               PHSM_700_A_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF     FAMILIES — COLVER        Colver House, Phoenix, Ore; real photo postcard              No 6 Street Scene, Phoenix, Ore.                             191u

KANTOR               PHSM_703_B_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF     FAMILIES — COLVER        Colver House, Phoenix, Oregon; verso; photo postcard Gertrude don’t forget those stamps that you were going to save for me. And tell your mamma send the receipt for the Burnt Leather Cake. Are you a pretty good little girl these days? Best regards to your mamma and papa. Leta Furry; Addressed to Miss Gertrude Hargrave Medford, Oregon; cancelled                            191u

KANTOR               PHSM_710_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF          FAMILIES — COLVER        Ellen M. Rose Colver, aged 2 1/2 years                Cabinet portrait; may be Peter Britt                         18uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_303_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF          FAMILIES — COLVER        Horse and buggy in front of Colver House, circa late 1800s  Man and woman in the buggy, said to be Sam and Huldah Colver              Colver, Samuel, 1817-1891; Colver, Huldah, 1823-1907           18uu

KANTOR               PHSM_716_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF          FAMILIES — COLVER        Huldah Colver funeral notice      Died, at the old Colver home in Phoenix, Jackson County, Oregon at 3:20 o’clock a.m, August 18, 1907                             1907

FILECABINET1B PHSM_302_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF          FAMILIES — COLVER        Huldah Colver, portrait circa 1880                              Colver, Huldah, 1823-1907            188u

KANTOR               PHSM_778_FAMILIES_COLVER.PDF        FAMILIES — COLVER        In the Supreme Court of the State of Oregon March Term 1886, Jemima Colver as Administrix and Jesse Dollarhide as Administrator of the Estate of Lewellen Colver, Deceased vs. Philip W. Olwell; Appeal from Jackson County, Respondent’s Brief Record of the court proceedings on the accidental death of Lewellen Colver by Philip Olwell                                1886

KANTOR               PHSM_712_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF          FAMILIES — COLVER        Isabelle Rose Colver       Cabinet portrait; Sam and Hulda Colver’s daughter, born 1850 said while waiting to start west on the Oregon Trail                                18uu

KANTOR               PHSM_711_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF          FAMILIES — COLVER        Louie Colver       Cabinet portrait                                18uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_316_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF          FAMILIES — COLVER        Old Stage House, Phoenix, Oregon          The Colver House when it was operated as a restaurant                         196u

ROLODEX             PHSM_500_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF          FAMILIES — COLVER        Old Stage House: A Bit of the Old West postcard; Colver House                                 195u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_301_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF          FAMILIES — COLVER        Sam Colver, portrait circa 1880                   Colver, Samuel, 1817-1891           188u

KANTOR               PHSM_713_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF          FAMILIES — COLVER        Unidentified two young boys     Cabinet portrait; came to owner with packet of Colver material                  18uu

KANTOR               PHSM_714_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF          FAMILIES — COLVER        Unidentified young boy                Cabinet portrait; came to owner with packet of Colver material                  18uu

KANTOR               PHSM_715_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF          FAMILIES — COLVER        Unidentified young woman        Cabinet portrait; came to owner with packet of Colver material; Please accept with compliments of Maeta                           18uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_317_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF          FAMILIES — COLVER        verso                                     196u

KANTOR               PHSM_700_B_FAMILIES_COLVER.TIF     FAMILIES — COLVER        Verso of Colver House postcard                                                191u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_569_FAMILIES_FOUDRY.TIF         FAMILIES — FOUDRY       Fred and Belle Foudry with Milo and Nina                Family portrait, father standing, mother seated with child            Foudry, Fred; Foudry, Belle         1889

FILECABINET1B PHSM_544_FAMILIES_FOUDRY.TIF         FAMILIES — FOUDRY       S. Abi Colver Foudray at husband Elbert D. Foudray’s grave                Abi Colver Foudray in mourning; from Roberta Reames Harvey?                                1903

FILECABINET1B PHSM_545_FAMILIES_FOUDRY.TIF         FAMILIES — FOUDRY       S. Abi Colver Foudray, portrait                                   190u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_546_FAMILIES_FOUDRY.TIF         FAMILIES — FOUDRY       S. Abi Colver Foudray, portrait                                   190u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_547_FAMILIES_FOUDRY.TIF         FAMILIES — FOUDRY       S. Abi Colver Foudray, portrait                                   190u

KANTOR               PHSM_726_FAMILIES_FURRY.TIF             FAMILIES — FURRY          Donald Furry Anderson cabinet portrait                Baby in dress seated in wicker chair; born February 1898; father william E. Anderson, mother Edmona Furry, grandson of Sameul Furry and Amelia Barneburg Furry  Anderson, Donald Furry                19uu

KANTOR               PHSM_725_A_FAMILIES_FURRY.TIF       FAMILIES — FURRY          Home of the late Samuel and Amelia Furry, Oregon July 1911 real photo postcard                                     191u

KANTOR               PHSM_725_B_FAMILIES_FURRY.TIF        FAMILIES — FURRY          Home of the late Samuel and Amelia Furry, Oregon July 1911 real photo postcard verso         Dear Susan? Father and mother came to this place in 1867. Lived in a house of two rooms. In 1875 this back porch was built and the front added in 1889. Mother was proud of her home. This was taken this summer. I am standing in front of the screen door. My sister next. The man is my husband. The children are my sisters boys. The flower bed is geraniums bordered with alyssum. Donna Grabber. Addressed but not mailed to Mrs Susan Miller Lima Ohio               Grabber, Donna; Furry, Samuel; Furry, Amelia    191u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_572_FAMILIES_FURRY.TIF             FAMILIES — FURRY          Isabelle Caton Furry, portrait      Raymond’s mother Furry, Isabelle Caton      18uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_562_FAMILIES_FURRY.TIF             FAMILIES — FURRY          Marie Morton Furry Oregon Motor Vehicle Operator’s License, 1921 and 1933            1921 license accessioned 2010.2A                             1921

ROLODEX1          PHSM_265_FAMILIES_FURRY.TIF             FAMILIES — FURRY          Milo Furry house, Phoenix           On Main Street                   19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_604_FAMILIES_FURRY.TIF             FAMILIES — FURRY          Nannette Furry as a young girl, portrait                Formal portrait in paper folder                   19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_605_FAMILIES_FURRY.TIF             FAMILIES — FURRY          Nannette Furry as a young girl, seated in wicker chair                                        19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_603_FAMILIES_FURRY.TIF             FAMILIES — FURRY          Nannette Furry’s graduation portrait                Later Nannette Furry Wrede      Furry, Nannette Wrede                19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_601_FAMILIES_FURRY.TIF             FAMILIES — FURRY          Raymond Furry holding furred animals                                   19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_437_FAMILIES_HEARN.TIF            FAMILIES — HEARN         Andrew Hearn and Harry Reames                Andrew Hearn in grocery apron                Hearn, Andrew, 1873-1948; Reames, Harry Woodford, 1881-1960              1940

FILECABINET1B PHSM_443_FAMILIES_HEARN.TIF            FAMILIES — HEARN         Andrew Hearn portrait  Cowboy, New Mexico noted on verso Hearn, Andrew, 1873-1948          19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_444_FAMILIES_HEARN.TIF            FAMILIES — HEARN         Andrew Hearn portrait                  Hearn, Andrew, 1873-1948         19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_441_FAMILIES_HEARN.TIF            FAMILIES — HEARN         Berthold Edgar Hearn in baby carriage                    Hearn, Berthold Edgar, 1901-1980             1901

FILECABINET1B PHSM_438_FAMILIES_HEARN.TIF            FAMILIES — HEARN         Berthold Hearn, Robert Hearn’s father                Formal portrait of child in chair   Hearn, Berthold Edgar, 1901-1980             190u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_445_FAMILIES_HEARN.TIF            FAMILIES — HEARN         Best Wishes postcard addressed to Berthold Hearn, Ashland, Oregon             Love from papa                Hearn, Bethold Edga, 1901-1980r; Hearn, Andrew, 1873-1948       1907

FILECABINET1B PHSM_442_FAMILIES_HEARN.TIF            FAMILIES — HEARN         Bill Bissel and Bob Hearn learn how much you can get into such little space in thier Baxter room     Two men hanging clothes in closet with suitcase; college yearbook photo? Hearn, Robert V.; Bissel, William               19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_440_FAMILIES_HEARN.TIF            FAMILIES — HEARN         Bob Hearn after first haircut                        Hearn, Robert V.              19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_439_FAMILIES_HEARN.TIF            FAMILIES — HEARN         Bob Hearn before first haircut                    Hearn, Robert V.              19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_447_FAMILIES_HEARN.TIF            FAMILIES — HEARN         Bob Hearn in cowboy costume                  Hearn, Robert V               19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_446_FAMILIES_HEARN.TIF            FAMILIES — HEARN         Florence Ermina Sims Hearn        First wife noted on verso; poor photo, pixelated  Hearn, Florence Ermina Sims, 1871-1907                19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_436_FAMILIES_HEARN.TIF            FAMILIES — HEARN         Nell Reams Hearn, Andrew Hearn’s 2d wife, Bob Hearn’s Grandmother           Two portraits of the same woman in a composite             Hearn, Nellie Viola Reames, 1883-1939       189u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_435_FAMILIES_HEARN.TIF            FAMILIES — HEARN         Phoenix Mercantile Store, Dry Goods Department       On the corner of Second and Main; Men in suits standing towards rear of store, Ridgways Tea sign                Hearn, Andrew, 1873-1948          194u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_185_FAMILIES_MALMGREN.tiff FAMILIES — MALMGREN              Dr. and Mrs. Malmgren Dr. Malmgren sitting, Mrs. Malmgren sitting in a formal setting         Malmgren, Theodore, 1871-1929; Malmgren, Fredericka Barbara, 1872-1947         

FILECABINET1B PHSM_186_FAMILIES_MALMGREN.tiff FAMILIES — MALMGREN              Dr. and Mrs. Malmgren Dr. and Mrs. Malmgren with group of people               Malmgren, Theodore, 1871-1929; Malmgren, Fredericka Barbara, 1872-1947       

FILECABINET1B PHSM_596_FAMILIES_MORTON_MCCOLLUM.TIF            FAMILIES — MORTON-MCCOLLUM          Eva McCollum Morton and James Morton, portrait  Marie’s parents, Phoenix, Oregon; James in Phoenix Cemetery                 189u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_593_FAMILIES_MORTON_MCCOLLUM.TIF            FAMILIES — MORTON-MCCOLLUM          Eva Morton, Alice Luretta, Emma, Lettie, Mary             Group of 5 older women standing closely together; Eva Morton noted on front, names listed on back                      19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_590_FAMILIES_MORTON_MCCOLLUM.TIF            FAMILIES — MORTON-MCCOLLUM          Father and mother McCallum            Handwritten on verso: Father and mother McCallum, grandparents of Marie                      18uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_591_FAMILIES_MORTON_MCCOLLUM.TIF            FAMILIES — MORTON-MCCOLLUM          Father and mother Morton                Handwritten on verso: Dad’s grandparents (James Morton’s grandparents)                         18uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_595_FAMILIES_MORTON_MCCOLLUM.TIF            FAMILIES — MORTON-MCCOLLUM          Four generations: Pat, Dari, Marie, Eva             Four women inside home, dressed up with corsages                      19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_598_FAMILIES_MORTON_MCCOLLUM.TIF            FAMILIES — MORTON-MCCOLLUM          Marie’s mom, Eva, portrait          Formal portrait in paper folder                   19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_594_FAMILIES_MORTON_MCCOLLUM.TIF            FAMILIES — MORTON-MCCOLLUM          Marie’s mother (Eve) and step dad Charles Spannous     Standing woman with hand on seated man, outside house, view of mountain                            19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_592_FAMILIES_MORTON_MCCOLLUM.TIF            FAMILIES — MORTON-MCCOLLUM          Mother with Nannette, Grandma Slater                Handwritten on verso: Mother with Nannette, Grandma Slater                 19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_597_FAMILIES_MORTON_MCCOLLUM.TIF            FAMILIES — MORTON-MCCOLLUM          Nannette’s Great Grandma and Grandpa McCollum                                                18uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_567_FAMILIES_REAMES.TIF         FAMILIES — REAMES       Elsie A. Reames, portrait               Portrait as a young woman   Reames, Elsie A.               19u

ROLODEX             PHSM_487_FAMILIES_STANCLIFFE.TIF  FAMILIES — STANCLIFFE                301 South Church Street, Stancliffe home                    Stancliffe, Bert Samuel, 1995-1986           19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_486_FAMILIES_STANCLIFFE.TIF  FAMILIES — STANCLIFFE                301 South Church Street, Stancliffe home, burned                   Stancliffe, Bert Samuel, 1995-1986           19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_622_FAMILIES_STANCLIFFE.TIF  FAMILIES — STANCLIFFE                4th of July crowd of children with flags, hats; Bert? Stancliffe in crowd                        Stancliffe, Bert Samuel, 1885-1986           18uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_633_FAMILIES_STANCLIFFE.TIF  FAMILIES — STANCLIFFE                Bert and Kathryn Stancliffe at home                Handwritten on verso, Here at out place               Stancliffe, Bert Samuel, 1885-1996; Stancliffe, Kathryn Sally Curren Denzer, 1909-1996           1982

FILECABINET1B PHSM_631_FAMILIES_STANCLIFFE.TIF  FAMILIES — STANCLIFFE                Bert Stancliffe (left) at De Voe’s Confectionary, Medford               Handwritten on frame: Bert Stancliffe worked here 1909-1917; Ritter and Dunlop, Prop. Confectionary and Cigar Store    Stancliffe, Bert Samuel, 1885-1986           1917

FILECABINET1B PHSM_624_FAMILIES_STANCLIFFE.TIF  FAMILIES — STANCLIFFE                Bert Stancliffe as a young man, portrait                 Stancliffe, Bert Samuel, 1885-1986           189u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_632_FAMILIES_STANCLIFFE.TIF  FAMILIES — STANCLIFFE                Bert Stancliffe in apron standing on sidewalk under Groceries sign                   Stancliffe, Bert Samuel, 1885-1986           191u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_626_FAMILIES_STANCLIFFE.TIF  FAMILIES — STANCLIFFE                Henry Stancliffe, portrait              Bert Stancliffe’s father            Stancliffe, Henry Franklin, 1843-1909       18uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_628_FAMILIES_STANCLIFFE.TIF  FAMILIES — STANCLIFFE                Kathryn and Bert Stancliffe in photographer’s cutout                  Stancliffe, Bert Samuel, 1885-1996; Stancliffe, Kathryn Sally Curren Denzer, 1909-1996                19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_630_FAMILIES_STANCLIFFE.TIF  FAMILIES — STANCLIFFE                Kathryn Sally Denzer’s family home                Handwritten on verso: Kathryn Dietrich; Velox Print, Brownie Camera    Stancliffe, Kathryn Sally Curren Denzer, 1909-1996            19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_627_FAMILIES_STANCLIFFE.TIF  FAMILIES — STANCLIFFE                Kathryn Stancliffe as mayor rides in the May Festival Parade, 1954    Mayor Kathryn Stancliffe and neice Sally Stringer in Medford Parade       Stancliffe, Kathryn Sally Curren Denzer, 1909-1996  195u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_634_FAMILIES_STANCLIFFE.TIF  FAMILIES — STANCLIFFE                Kathryn Stancliffe holding flowers at Phoenix Presbyterian Church     Handwritten on verso, Kathryn Stancliffe leaving Presbyterian Church taking the flowers she had brot to church to decorate Burt’s resting place in Phoenix Cemetery; taken by Mary Jean Barnes Sturdevant of Phoenix early years and now of Tacoma Wa        Stancliffe, Bert Samuel, 1885-1996; Stancliffe, Kathryn Sally Curren Denzer, 1909-1996            1989

FILECABINET1B PHSM_629_FAMILIES_STANCLIFFE.TIF  FAMILIES — STANCLIFFE                Kathryn Stancliffe in costume with hat and umbrella              Possibly the 1954 May Festival   Stancliffe, Kathryn Sally Curren Denzer, 1909-1996           195u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_636_FAMILIES_STANCLIFFE.TIF  FAMILIES — STANCLIFFE                Kathryn Stancliffe in costume with hat and umbrella, distant view                   Stancliffe, Kathryn Sally Curran Denzer, 1909-1996            195u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_635_FAMILIES_STANCLIFFE.TIF  FAMILIES — STANCLIFFE                Kathryn Stancliffe with geranium plant      Handwritten on verso, Kathryn Stancliffe geraniums kept over for winter bloomed          Stancliffe, Kathryn Sally Curran Denzer, 1909-1996            1994

FILECABINET1B PHSM_637_FAMILIES_STANCLIFFE.TIF  FAMILIES — STANCLIFFE                Kathryn Stancliffee in parade vehicle, poor photo                        Stancliffe, Kathryn Sally Curran Denzer, 1909-1996            195u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_235_A_FAMILIES_STANCLIFFE.TIF             FAMILIES — STANCLIFFE                New Year postcard, from Anna to Bert Stancliffe, 1919                       Stancliffe, Bert Samuel, 1885-1986           1919

FILECABINET1B PHSM_235_A_FAMILIES_STANCLIFFE.TIF             FAMILIES — STANCLIFFE                New Year postcard, from Anna to Bert Stancliffe, 1919, verso                         Stancliffe, Bert Samuel, 1885-1987           1919

FILECABINET1B PHSM_623_FAMILIES_STANCLIFFE.TIF  FAMILIES — STANCLIFFE                Vivian Stancliffe, portrait                Child with bow in wicker chair; on verso Elsie Little chum; Bert Stancliffe’s neice; married name Jackson Jackson, Vivian Stancliffe, 1905-1982         190u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_625_FAMILIES_STANCLIFFE.TIF  FAMILIES — STANCLIFFE                Walter Spencer Stancliffe, portrait                Bert Stancliffe’s brother                Stancliffe, Walter Spencer, 1875-1926     18uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_577_FAMILIES_TOWNE.TIF           FAMILIES — TOWNE        Edward F. Grisez and Nellie M. Towne, wedding announcement                              Grisez, Edward F.; Grisez, Towne, Nellie M.         19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_575_FAMILIES_TOWNE.TIF           FAMILIES — TOWNE        Edward Grisez and Nell Towne Grisez and wife, double portrait      Marian Towne’s sister and husband        Grisez, Edward F.; Grisez, Nellie M. Towne          19uu

KANTOR               PHSM_776_FAMILIES_TOWNE.TIF           FAMILIES — TOWNE        Frank Towne Store, Phoenix; photo                Men standing in front of frame building with sign             Towne, Frank    18uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_576_FAMILIES_TOWNE.TIF           FAMILIES — TOWNE        Mollie Towne, portrait in folder                 Towne, Marian B., 1880-1960      19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_578_FAMILIES_TOWNE.TIF           FAMILIES — TOWNE        Nell Towne at 16 years, portrait                 Towne, Nellie    1896

ROLODEX1          PHSM_264_FAMILIES_TOWNE.TIF           FAMILIES — TOWNE        Towne residence, Phoenix          Corner of 2d and Church; lost in the Almeda Fire                         19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_676_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — BIGGEST TACO        Biggest Taco event, Guiness Book of World Records attempt              Bicycle jumping over tacos, crowd in background                              199u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_677_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — BIGGEST TACO        Biggest Taco event, Guiness Book of World Records attempt              Man taking notes about the taco line                      199u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_659_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        Automobile float decorated for May Festival parade, 1954                                      1954

FILECABINET1B PHSM_304_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        Centennial Festival 1975 quilts   Three quilts hanging: unknown block, baskets, crazy quilt with embroidered “Elva”, Elva Claflin                           1975

FILECABINET1B PHSM_309_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        Centennial Festival parade with crowds and horse drawn buckboard                                                1954

FILECABINET1B PHSM_312_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        Ernest Madden, Coordinator of the 1954 Centennial Festival          Mrs Lee and Phoenix Mayor Kathryn Stancliffe sitting under parasol        Madden, Ernest; Stancliffe, Kathyrn Sally Denzer Curren, 1909-1996; Norton, Mark   1954

FILECABINET1B PHSM_330_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        Folks at microphone for May Festival, crop view                                      1952

FILECABINET1B PHSM_329_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        Folks on Community Club cake float                                        1952

FILECABINET1B PHSM_313_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        Handwritten notes concerning the 1954 Centennial Festival                                          1954

FILECABINET1B PHSM_314_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        Handwritten notes concerning the 1954 Centennial Festival                                          1954

FILECABINET1B PHSM_323_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        Happy Birthday Community Club                Cake on parade float                      1952

FILECABINET1B PHSM_322_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        Honorable Judge Hangem Clown? Presiding                Man in clown makeup standing in front of jail at May Festival                      1952

FILECABINET1B PHSM_660_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        Kathryn Stancliffe in costume with umbrella, automobiles in background                                     19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_305_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        Kathryn Stancliffe in vintage gown and hat at the 1975 Centennial Festival  With gown on hanger    Stancliffe, Kathyrn Sally Denzer Curren, 1909-1996           1975

FILECABINET1B PHSM_306_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        Mark Norton, coordinator of the 1954 Centennial Festival          Photo labeled with names: Russ Jamieson, Judge De Sousa, Myrtle Lee, Mayor Kathyrn Stancliffe, Earl Miller, Keith Thorson, Mayor ??, Frank Christian, George Gleim         Norton, Mark; Stancliffe, Kathryn             1954

FILECABINET1B PHSM_345_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival 1949, Bolz Feed Store float with Gasburg Fire Truck                                                1949

FILECABINET1B PHSM_338_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival 1952 queen and princesses outside, child with pillow                                              1952

FILECABINET1B PHSM_334_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival 1952 Queens: Janet Andrus, Dolly Waggoner, Violet Ray, Phyllis Miller, Myrna Turnbough, Viola Chapman      Each woman wears the banner of a Phoenix community organization                               1952

FILECABINET1B PHSM_336_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival 1952, Community Club float                                                1952

FILECABINET1B PHSM_340_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival 1952, Earl Newbry, Secretary of State at microphone                 Newbry, Earl      1952

FILECABINET1B PHSM_335_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival 1952, folks at microphone for May Festival                                       1952

FILECABINET1B PHSM_339_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival 1952, Garden Club float, 1952 winning float                                      1952

FILECABINET1B PHSM_341_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival 1952, queen and princesses interior view                                      1952

FILECABINET1B PHSM_342_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival 1952: from l to r: Betty Hendrickson, Betty Hopper, Mary White, Leota Perry, Kay Fisher                                              1952

FILECABINET1B PHSM_327_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival organizers Opie Frazier at microphone, Mabel Stancliffe Bourne in black dress, Garden Club winning float with trophy                        Bourne, Mabel Stancliffe; Frazier, Opie 1952

FILECABINET1B PHSM_331_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1949 boy on pony-go-round                                                1949

FILECABINET1B PHSM_359_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1949 float                                 1949

FILECABINET1B PHSM_360_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1949 float Thursday Club Support the Library                                         1949

FILECABINET1B PHSM_344_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1949 girls in parade formation with flag               poor photograph             Fisher, Marie     1949

FILECABINET1B PHSM_324_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1949 queens on float          First May Festival                       1949

FILECABINET1B PHSM_325_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1949 queens on float alternate view                                   1949

FILECABINET1B PHSM_326_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1949 queens on float alternate view                                   1949

FILECABINET1B PHSM_332_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1949 queens on float alternate view                                   1949

FILECABINET1B PHSM_354_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1950 Community Club float with names on verso      Penny Simmond?, Dorothy James, Pamela Grove, Rick Bolz named                          1950

FILECABINET1B PHSM_355_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1950 Festival grounds at the Community Club                                              1950

FILECABINET1B PHSM_358_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1950 parade                                            1950

FILECABINET1B PHSM_353_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1950 parade and floats at 2d Street and Rose                                                1950

FILECABINET1B PHSM_357_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1952 Horses in parade                                        1952

FILECABINET1B PHSM_380_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1952 Peter Pan parade float                Marcia McGeary fairy, Jim Jones Peter Pan, Marlene Campbell Tinkerbell, 2 ?, girl and boy in fron are Hartsook children                                1952

FILECABINET1B PHSM_378_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1953 crowning the queens on stage                                     1953

FILECABINET1B PHSM_377_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1953 from l to r: Marvin Fisher, Jack Cook, Paul Hartsook on stage                            Fisher, Marvin; Cook, Jack; Hartsook, Paul            1953

FILECABINET1B PHSM_349_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1953 Lady Lions float                                           1953

FILECABINET1B PHSM_351_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1953 Lady Lions float                                           1953

FILECABINET1B PHSM_350_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1953 Lady Lions float closeup with children                                      1953

FILECABINET1B PHSM_348_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1953 Lion and globe float                                  1953

FILECABINET1B PHSM_352_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1953 man at podium                                           1953

FILECABINET1B PHSM_376_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1953 Marvin Fisher, Mabel Stancliffe Bourne on stage                           Bourne, Mabel Stancliffe; Fisher, Marvin              1953

FILECABINET1B PHSM_379_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1953 queens on float                                          1953

FILECABINET1B PHSM_337_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1953 Queens: Janet Andrus, Dolly Waggoner, Violet Ray, Phyllis Miller, Myrna Turnbough, Viola Chapman      poor photograph                             1953

FILECABINET1B PHSM_347_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1953 Zenith TV display                                        1953

FILECABINET1B PHSM_346_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1953 Zenith TV display with Pamela Grove as child clown                                       1953

FILECABINET1B PHSM_343_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1954 flag float and old car                                 1952

FILECABINET1B PHSM_375_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1954 queens on stage with organizers; from l to r: Jeanette Grove, Kay Haight, Russ Jamieson, Queen Betty Harris, Mayor K. Stancliffe, Mark Norton, Earl Miller, Iris Frazier                                     1954

FILECABINET1B PHSM_366_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1983 antique vehicle           A resurgence of the May Festival on May 21, 1983, poor photograph                           1983

FILECABINET1B PHSM_373_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1983 antique vehicle           A resurgence of the May Festival on May 21, 1983, poor photograph                           1983

FILECABINET1B PHSM_374_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1983 antique vehicle           A resurgence of the May Festival on May 21, 1983, poor photograph                           1983

FILECABINET1B PHSM_361_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1983 band playing                A resurgence of the May Festival on May 21, 1983                                1983

FILECABINET1B PHSM_365_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1983 Betsy Ross flag float  A resurgence of the May Festival on May 21, 1983, poor photograph                           1983

FILECABINET1B PHSM_364_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1983 float A resurgence of the May Festival on May 21, 1983, poor photograph                                1983

FILECABINET1B PHSM_367_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1983 float A resurgence of the May Festival on May 21, 1983, poor photograph                                1983

FILECABINET1B PHSM_368_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1983 float A resurgence of the May Festival on May 21, 1983, poor photograph                                1983

FILECABINET1B PHSM_369_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1983 float woman in Native costume on horse           A resurgence of the May Festival on May 21, 1983, poor photograph                       1983

FILECABINET1B PHSM_363_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1983 queen and princess float                A resurgence of the May Festival on May 21, 1983, poor photograph                       1983

FILECABINET1B PHSM_362_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1983 steam engine and car                A resurgence of the May Festival on May 21, 1983, poor photograph                       1983

FILECABINET1B PHSM_371_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1983 truck float with people                A resurgence of the May Festival on May 21, 1983, poor photograph                       1983

FILECABINET1B PHSM_370_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1983 two antique vehicles                A resurgence of the May Festival on May 21, 1983, poor photograph                       1983

FILECABINET1B PHSM_372_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, 1983 woman photographing float       A resurgence of the May Festival on May 21, 1983, poor photograph                       1983

FILECABINET1B PHSM_328_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        May Festival, four standing in front of car outside of Community Club         Opie Frazier second from left, Mabel Stancliffe Bourne in black dress      Bourne, Mabel Stancliffe; Frazier, Opie 1952

FILECABINET1B PHSM_308_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        Mayor Kathryn Stancliffe giving the Centennial Festival welcome address     Stancliffe in costume with umbrella at microphone, Russ Jamieson in bowler, Judge De Sousa, Myrtle Lee, Ernest Madden, Mark Norton, Keith Thoreson, F. Christian             Stancliffe, Kathyrn Sally Denzer Curren, 1909-1996           1954

FILECABINET1B PHSM_307_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        Mayor Kathryn Stancliffe holding trophy won by Phoenix Garden Club at the 1954 Centennial Festival      Three people standing at microphone: Ike Dunford, Russ Jamieson (in bowler hat), Kathryn Stancliffe (in costume), unknown, Rodney Reating     Stancliffe, Kathyrn Sally Denzer Curren, 1909-1996           1954

FILECABINET1B PHSM_310_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        Mayor Kathryn Stancliffe with attorney Frank Van Dyke at microphone, 1954 Centennial Festival                               Stancliffe, Kathyrn Sally Denzer Curren, 1909-1996                1954

FILECABINET1B PHSM_311_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        Mayor Kathryn Stancliffe with man at microphone, Centennial Festival                               Stancliffe, Kathyrn Sally Denzer Curren, 1909-1996           1954

FILECABINET1B PHSM_289_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        Mayor Kathryn Stancliffe, Pop Bolz in May Festival car                          Stancliffe, Kathryn           1954

FILECABINET1B PHSM_290_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        Pop Bolz close up                             Bolz, Richard 20uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_333_FESTIVALS.TIF           FESTIVALS — MAY FESTIVAL        W.R. Bolz float, Grapes of Wrath, May Festival 1952                      Bolz, Walter R.   1952

FILECABINET1B PHSM_385_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          A Rogue Valley Orchard postcard                Handwritten Stancliffe on back, presumed his orchard, he and child in vehicle                    192u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_286_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Alta Vista Packing Co., Mt Sunset Mt Minear Orchards crates                Pear packing house, wooden box pieces, boxes packed with pears; from Mr. CA Knight, Ala Vista Packing House taken Sept 13, 1928          Alta Vista Packing House (Medford, Or.); Mt. Minear Orchards (Medford, Or.)   1928

FILECABINET1B PHSM_388_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Alta Vista Packing House on North Phoenix Road, circa 1930s              Men standing on loading dock with fruit boxes and truck; photocopy of photo                   193u

ROLODEX3          PHSM_269_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Alta Vista Packing House, circa 1910                Men standing on dock, pear boxes stacked, truck                             191u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_283_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Associated Fruit Co. packing house, 2009                Vehicles parked outside a low warehouse            Associated Fruit (Phoenix, Or.)  2009

FILECABINET1B PHSM_279_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Bardwell Fruit Co., Parsons Warehouse Co.                Front and side of brick building, electric power lines        Bardwell Fruit Co. (Medford, Or.); Parsons Warehouse (Medford, Or.)  19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_278_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Bardwell Fruit Company, Stewart Fruit Co. Distributors        Loading dock, packed fruit boxes stacked, railroad tracks, refrigerated rail car     Bardwell Fruit Co. (Medford, Or.); Stewart Fruit Co. (Medford, Or.)              19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_282_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Berry picking crew, 1935                Handwritten l to r: Fred Hallgren, Fred Furry, Leond? Colver, Rob Furry, Elva Furry, Marita Furry ?                              1935

FILECABINET1B PHSM_284_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Cannery floor, apples, SO. & TR Co., Sunland, Cal on wooden boxes  Man in spats holding box, conveyor belts moving product                            19uu

ROLODEX3          PHSM_267B_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF          INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Eden Valley Orchard photocard, circa 1910                Six women in front of tent, bed in tent, table, firewood                                191u

ROLODEX3          PHSM_267A_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF          INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Eden Valley Orchard photocard, circa 1910 verso     Handwritten note; Marian Stancliffe’s name noted                          191u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_563_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Group standing in hops field with hop garlands                                               192u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_405_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Joe Kantor at ladder with picking bag in his Fern Valley orchard at harvest                   Kantor, Joe         1962

FILECABINET1B PHSM_407_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Joe Kantor picking fruit in his Fern Valley orchard                                Kantor, Joe         1962

FILECABINET1B PHSM_406_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Joe Kantor’s orchard in the Fern Valley Phoenix, Oregon              Vertical photo against the mountains; photo copied        Kantor, Joe         1962

FILECABINET1B PHSM_408_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Joe Kantor’s truck in his Fern Valley orchard at harvest                            Kantor, Joe         1962

FILECABINET1B PHSM_288_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Knight Packing House, Medford, Oregon                Attached note: Mary Stancliffe with her crew at Stewart Orchards, the first in the valley; they camped here during the season and did the packing Stancliffe, Mary; Knight Packing House (Medford, Or.)   19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_461_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Men and women seated in front of packing house, real photo postcard                                         190u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_287_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Pear packing house, Denny & Co, Medford, Oregon boxes   Men and women standing in back of wrapped, packed boxes of pears   Denny & Co. (Medford, Or.)                19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_285_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Pear packing house, Red Maltese Cross Fancy Pears, Rogue River Valley Medford Oregon            Men and women on the line                      19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_280_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Pear packing house, women and men on the floor              Rogue River Valley on one box                  19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_535_PEOPLE.TIF INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Picking pears      Woman in orchard holding basket and a pear                       18uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_536_PEOPLE.TIF INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Smiling man emptying bag of pears into bin         Presumed to be Jackson County, migrant laborer                   19uu

KANTOR               PHSM_746_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Sun Crest Orchards Talent Oregon; real photo postcard Mid-range view of orchard, farm buildings and mountains in distance                     191u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_384_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Women in pear orchard, staged photo postcard                                              18uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_281_INDUSTRY_FRUIT.TIF             INDUSTRY — FRUIT          Young women seated in packing house, surrounded by pears                                      19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_496_LIBRARY.TIF               LIBRARY               510 West 1st Street, new Phoenix Public Library                                                2000

FILECABINET1B PHSM_681_LIBRARY.TIF               LIBRARY               Child with dog in front of Phoenix Public Library Library building moved to back of property when new library constructed, later building moved to serve as the Phoenix Historical Society Museum                              197u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_682_LIBRARY.TIF               LIBRARY               Child with dog in front of Phoenix Public Library Open House sign; likely Mail Tribune feature photo                   197u

ROLODEX             PHSM_528_LIBRARY.TIF               LIBRARY               Construction of new Phoenix Library, old library behind new library being constructed              Old library moved to museum location                   1978

ROLODEX             PHSM_529_LIBRARY.TIF               LIBRARY               Construction of new Phoenix Library, old library behind new library being constructed                                              1978

ROLODEX             PHSM_526_LIBRARY.TIF               LIBRARY               Interior of new Phoenix Library Mrs Bryant, Grace Browning                Browning, Grace              1978

ROLODEX             PHSM_525_LIBRARY.TIF               LIBRARY               InteRior of Phoenix Library          Grace Browning at circ desk                Browning, Grace              1978

ROLODEX             PHSM_527_LIBRARY.TIF               LIBRARY               Interior of Phoenix Library in the museum building                                          1965

ROLODEX             PHSM_524_LIBRARY.TIF               LIBRARY               Interior of Phoenix Library, bookshelves                                               1978

ROLODEX             PHSM_520_LIBRARY.TIF               LIBRARY               Old Phoenix Library and City Hall, right before moving to Church Street location                                   1978

ROLODEX             PHSM_523_LIBRARY.TIF               LIBRARY               Phoenix Branch Jackson County Library                                 1978

ROLODEX             PHSM_530_LIBRARY.TIF               LIBRARY               Welcome to the new Phoenix Library     Woman standing in door                      1978

FILECABINET1B PHSM_683_LIBRARY.TIF               LIBRARY               Women with books standing around Phoenix Public Library staff person       Likely Mail Tribune feature photo                             197u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_672_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     4 women attend Phoenix School alumni reunion [newspaper photo]        Names on verso: Mrs Chet Adkins (Ella Glover) Medford, Mrs Ray Stringer (Leah Dietrich) Ashland, Mrs Ray Edwards (Sybil Caster) Medford, Mrs Sylvester Stevens (Ercel Young) Phoenix                  19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_673_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     5 women attend Phoenix School alumni reunion [newspaper photo]        Names on verso: Mrs Alton Anderson (Babe Colver) Medford, Mrs Bert Stncliffe (Kathryn Dietrich) Phoenix, Mrs Calvin Marceau (Twila Rader) Rogue River, Mrs Fuller Arney (Dorothy Carless) Phoenix, Mrs Kelly Brooks (Marjorie Caster) Medford                          19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_600_PEOPLE.PDF               PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Barbara Jean Isaacs, 1925-2012 In Memory           Bert and Kathyrn Stancliffe’s daughter                             2013

FILECABINET1B PHSM_541_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Bernice and Harry Short, portrait                              Short, Harry; Short Bernice       19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_542_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Bernice Short, portrait                   Short, Bernice   19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_519_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Cecil Claflin at Post Office             Postal cancel machine now in the museum Claflin, Cecil Ray, 1924-2008         1978

ROLODEX             PHSM_504_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Clard M. Smith in his mail delivery vehicle             80 years, May 1949; picked up mail from the train and delivered it to the post office           Smith, Clard M., 1869-1957          1949

ROLODEX             PHSM_505_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Clard M. Smith in his mail delivery vehicle                             Smith, Clard M., 1869-1957          1949

KANTOR               PHSM_717_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Connecticut to California J.C. Berrang photo postcard                Woman and man in winter clothes holding oxen hitched to wagon           Berrang, J.C.       192u

KANTOR               PHSM_720_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Connecticut to Oregon Berrangs with camp wagon real photo postcard Berrangs standing near oxen hitched to camp wagon, wagon has advertising, dog; Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Barrang left Connecticut in 1920 arriving in Phoenix, Oregon after 3 years, 6 months and 13 days, constant traveling with this wagon. Only one of the oxen in the picture was able to make the complete trip. Others had to be broken in on the way. [Second note, different handwriting] Sold hamburgers where Tringle Market Phoenix Pharmacy was 5 & 10c Also called him the Ox Man       Berrang, J.C.       192u

KANTOR               PHSM_721_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Connecticut to Oregon camp wagon with oxen, wagon has advertising, Oregon Motel sign in background; photo     Oxen team from Conn. to Melford, Ore. Started 1920. Taken Dec. 1923. Baker, Ore.             Berrang, Jacob C., 1863-1950; Berrang, Catherine, 1819-1945       192u

KANTOR               PHSM_719_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Connecticut to Oregon J.C. Berrang photo postcard                Berrang holding ox, tarp covered wagon, Express and Moving motorized van, wife holding oxen               Berrang, J.C.                192u

KANTOR               PHSM_718_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Connecticut to Oregon J.C. Berrang real photo postcard                Berrang and wife in camp, seated with radio set and headphones on, cooking implements, oxen and wagon                Berrang, J.C.       192u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_561_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Dorothy Claflin and Cheryl, Cheryl’s visit to meet Tucker                Cheryl’s mother is Nannette Furry Wrede                            2000

FILECABINET1B PHSM_538_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Douglass Steadman and Ned Dunlap                       Steadman, Douglass; Dunlap, Ned  19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_539_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Douglass Steadman, portrait                       Steadman, Douglass                19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_449_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Edith Estelle Gore                            Gore, Edith         1922

FILECABINET1B PHSM_453_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Edith Estelle Gore            Woman in plaid dress     Gore, Edith Estelle   1922

FILECABINET1B PHSM_454_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Elva Caster                          Caster, Elva         1922

FILECABINET1B PHSM_599_PEOPLE.PDF               PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Gordon Caster, 1941-2022 Celebration of Life                                     2022

KANTOR               PHSM_731_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Grandma Norton, Grandma Barneburg’s mother; cabinet portrait Elderly woman in black dress and bonnet; Grandma Norton is my great great grandma Written by Sameth Barneburg Age 15 years Feb 21, 1928                      18uu

KANTOR               PHSM_732_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Harney Barneburg; cabinet portrait         Baby in black dress with lace collar                  18uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_465_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Henry Frame standing outside of home with hat in hand                Note on verso: Taken on my 85th birthday in February 1952, your friend Henry W. Frame             Frame, Henry W                1952

FILECABINET1B PHSM_543_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     J.H. Cattle                            Cattle, J.H.          19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_540_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Jay Carver, portrait          Fay? Carver                        19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_606_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Kathryn Stancliffe with group at Southern Oregon College                From left to right: Paul Walker with beard, Kathryn Stancliffe, Pam Walker, Joe E. Walker, Stanley Ferns                Stancliffe, Kathryn Sally Curren, 1909-1996           1989

FILECABINET1B PHSM_448_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Liberta Gore next to auto                             Gore, Robin Liberta                1922

FILECABINET1B PHSM_674_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Martha Jane Gale Hockersmith, portrait                Born 10/7/1826, married Jackson Hockersmith, parents of John Newton Hockersmith and others; 2022.07.10 Hockersmith, Martha Jane Gale            189u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_450_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Mildred Ward                    Ward, Mildred   1922

FILECABINET1B PHSM_452_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Miss Zola Whitman, Phoenix High School teacher                              Whitman, Zola   1922

FILECABINET1B PHSM_574_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Mrs. Blackwood, Phoenix             Two women seated in front of a home                           18uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_451_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Roy Bolz and Joe King     Poor photo, damaged    Bolz, Roy; King, Joseph       1922

KANTOR               PHSM_722_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     The Berrangs Come to Oregon by William Alley, Southern Oregon Heritage Today July 2002, p 16                                   2002

ROLODEX             PHSM_518_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Thomas V. Williams, circa 1948   Man in suit, standing with hands in pocket                Williams, Thomas V         194u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_607_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Unidentified group at Southern Oregon College                Related to PHSM_606.TIF?                          1989

FILECABINET1B PHSM_675_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     William and Rebecca Gale, portrait; parents of Martha Jane Gale Hockersmith            Grandparents of John Newton Hockersmith and others                Gale, William; Gale, Martha Jane                189u

ROLODEX             PHSM_517_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Women standing in front of house          L-R: Mabel Bourne, a visitor killed later in a plane, Esther Wilson, Mabr Quackenbush, Katheryn Stancliff, Alice Hallgren, Inez Hayne, Fay Burrelson, Nau Foats, Esva Furry, Marita Furry; Little boy is Fays                                19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_581_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — IDENTIFIED     Young boys on bicycles holding book      Leo Furry written on verso; also in the group are Stan Ferns and Richard Cotton                           194u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_665_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              3 unknown women dressed up with hats and purses                                  195u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_667_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              4 unknown women dressed up with hats and purses, Phoenix Fire Dept. in background                                             195u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_666_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              5 unknown women dressed up with hats and purses                                  195u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_692_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Boy standing in front of barn, Dave                                          191u

ROLODEX             PHSM_480_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Children at picnic tables                Poor photo, damaged; same set as PHSM 463                              19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_466_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Dance class 1915, 1917?, real photo postcard                Women in bloomers, standing on porch steps                    191u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_693_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Echo and Harold, two children in overalls standing against wooden wall                                       19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_695_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Family group standing and seated in automobile, unidentified                                       19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_560_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Jackson County Courthouse movie set with sound boom and horse                                               19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_473_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Man and woman seated on Excelsior Autocycle, real photo postcard Excelsior Autocycle manufactured 1907-1931, Azo mark used 1904-1918                                191u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_691_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Man and woman standing together, Uncle Chester and Aunt Mary back from camping          Man and woman standing together                        19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_555_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Man and woman, standing with bouquet of flowers                Wedding photo?                              19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_559_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Man standing on Crater Lake rim, unknown                                         19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_553_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Man standing, portrait, unknown                                             19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_696_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Maria and Inez, best friends, unidentified                                            1918

FILECABINET1B PHSM_455_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Photo postcard of football team in position                Crowd looking out of windows at posed team                    192u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_554_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Three children, standing, portrait, unknown                                        19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_694_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Three men in WWI uniforms, unidentified                                           19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_472_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Three women in costume, Merry Wives of Windsor                Kathryn Denzer Stancliffe (Mistress Page), Maybelle Hotell (Mistress Ford), Laura Jones (Mistress Quickly)                Stancliffe, Kathryn Denzer; Hotell, Maybelle; Jones, Luara            1940

ROLODEX             PHSM_474_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Two men seated on Excelsior Autocycle, stopped on a bridge, real photo postcard               Excelsior Autocycle manufactured 1907-1931, Azo mark used 1904-1918                                191u

ROLODEX             PHSM_464_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Unidentified man and woman, formally dressed                Full length, vertical photo                             19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_469_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Unidentified woman and man sitting on automobile hood                                     19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_551_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Woman and two children, unknown       Real photo postcard                              19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_467_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Woman in automobile, poor photocopy                                                19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_690_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Woman in WWI military outfit, seated on fence outside house, unidentified                                        191u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_558_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Woman sitting on Crater Lake rim, unknown                                       19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_556_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Woman standing, portrait, unknown                                      19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_557_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Woman, portrait, unknown                                         19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_531_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Women in front of tent; photo postcard trimmed                                                1905

FILECABINET1B PHSM_697_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Young boy seated on automobile re-fitted as a horse cart                                            19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_457_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Young man eating banana split  After winning the state basketball game                    19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_552_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Young man in oval portrait, unknown                                     19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_456_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Young men eating banana splits                On verso: Jockus? Teacher and the super banana split after they won the state championship basketball game                      19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_476_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Young people seated and standing in front of building                Photo slightly out of focus                           194u

ROLODEX             PHSM_468_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Young people standing and sitting under tree, Medford?                                           195u

ROLODEX             PHSM_475_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Young woman standing with Kathryn Stancliffe in costume              1953 Centennial May Festival?   Stancliffe, Kathryn           1953

FILECABINET1B PHSM_548_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Young woman, unknown                                             19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_549_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Young woman, unknown                                             19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_550_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Young woman, unknown                                             19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_668_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Youth in Asian dress, with boy seated in front as snake charmer; school play?                                       19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_669_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Youth standing and seated, circa 1960s                                  196u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_670_PEOPLE.TIF PEOPLE — UNIDENTIFIED              Youth standing and seated, circa 1960s                                  196u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_381_FIREMEN.TIF             PHOENIX — FIREMEN     Centennial Fireman’s Ball, 1959  L-R first row: Bertha Hanscom, Pat Kidson, Gwen Caster, Peggy Glascock, Helen Nickodym; L-R second row: Norman Caster, Harlan Glascock, Lloyd Nickodym, Bill Kidson, Irving Hanscom                        1959

FILECABINET1B PHSM_582_PEOPLE.TIF PHOENIX — FIREMEN     Firemen’s ball, undated                                                19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_584_PEOPLE.TIF PHOENIX — FIREMEN     Firemen’s ball, undated                                                19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_583_PEOPLE.TIF PHOENIX — FIREMEN     Firemens’s ball, undated                                              19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_382_FIREMEN.TIF             PHOENIX — FIREMEN     Phoenix Fireman’s Annual Benefit Ball ticket, March 17 , 1954               Event held at Phoenix Community Club, admission $1.00 adults                 1954

FILECABINET1B PHSM_589_MUSEUM.TIF            PHOENIX — MUSEUM    Design plans to mount and display the Colver House timber at the Phoenix Historical Society Museum                                             2008

FILECABINET1B PHSM_292_MUSEUM.TIF            PHOENIX — MUSEUM    Dorothy Claflin close up                                Claflin, Dorothy               200u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_291_MUSEUM.TIF            PHOENIX — MUSEUM    Dorothy Claflin dressing manikIn                               Claflin, Dorothy 200u

ROLODEX1          PHSM_273_MUSEUM.TIF            PHOENIX — MUSEUM    Phoenix Museum, desk from the Phoenix Mercantile          Used in the post office part of the mercantile                     19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_164_B_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS             edit to make composite pdf                                       

FILECABINET1B PHSM_165_B_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS             edit to make composite pdf                                       

FILECABINET1B PHSM_164_C_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS                                                            

FILECABINET1B PHSM_164_D_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS                                                            

FILECABINET1B PHSM_165_C_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS                                                            

FILECABINET1B PHSM_165_D_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS                                                            

FILECABINET1B PHSM_187_A_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS                                                            

FILECABINET1B PHSM_187_B_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS                                                            

FILECABINET1B PHSM_188_B_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS — 1920S ERA   Phoenix elementary school 3d and 4th grades, 1923 BACK     Names of students in photo                       1923

FILECABINET1B PHSM_188_A_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS — 1920S ERA   Phoenix elementary school 3d and 4th grades, 1923 FRONT  Mona Ferns teacher; four rows of students         Ferns, Mona      1923

FILECABINET1B PHSM_194_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1920S ERA   Phoenix High School class picture, 1921  Four rows of students with Mr. Milan principal to rear left                 1921

FILECABINET1B PHSM_193_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1920S ERA   Phoenix High School class picture, 1926  Four rows of students                         1926

FILECABINET1B PHSM_192_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1920S ERA   Phoenix High School class picture, 1927-28           Five rows of students with teacher to rear left                            1927

FILECABINET1B PHSM_191_B_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS — 1920S ERA   Phoenix high school girls basketball, 1925 BACK                Names of students in photo                       1925

FILECABINET1B PHSM_191_A_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS — 1920S ERA   Phoenix high school girls basketball, 1925 FRONT                Three rows of women students in gym clothes, lowest center holding ball                            1925

FILECABINET1B PHSM_189_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1920S ERA   Phoenix high school, 1923-24      Four rows of students with teacher standing to left                    1923

FILECABINET1B PHSM_190_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1920S ERA   Phoenix high school, 1925 with names of students                Four rows of students with teacher standing back left                    1925

FILECABINET1B PHSM_195_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1920S ERA   Phoenix Memorial Hall, built 1925             Corner of 2d and B Street; built as the Phoenix school gym and named in honor of Phoenix WWI soldiers; first modern Rogue River Valley gymnasium at a time when Medford was using the armory                            1925

FILECABINET1B PHSM_100_A_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS — 1920S ERA   Phoenix school group ca,1920-1930         Group of students, 1920s                                192u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_585_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1920S ERA   Phoenix school student list, 6th grade, 1921                Handwritten                      1921

FILECABINET1B PHSM_586_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1920S ERA   Phoenix school student list, 7th grade 1922                Handwritten                      1922

FILECABINET1B PHSM_587_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1920S ERA   Phoenix school student list, 8th grade, 1923                Handwritten                      1923

FILECABINET1B PHSM_588_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1920S ERA   Phoenix school student list, 9th grade, 1924                Handwritten                      1924

FILECABINET1B PHSM_144_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1920S ERA   Phoenix school, 3rd and 4th grades, 1920                Group of students outside building with MHS                     1920

FILECABINET1B PHSM_100_B_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS — 1920S ERA   Phoenix, school group ca,1920-1930, back            No identifying names                            192u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_107_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1930S ERA   3 Phoenix High School football players   3 unidentified Phoenix High School football players                             193u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_130_B_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS — 1930S ERA   Fern Valley grade school circa 1930s, back             List of names for grade school photo                              193u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_130_A_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS — 1930S ERA   Fern Valley grade school circa 1930s, front            Fern Valley School was a one room school house located across I5 where Fern Valley Road is now                       193u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_134_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1930S ERA   Fern Valley grade school, 1st grade class               Jack Allen lower right               Allen, Jack           1899

FILECABINET1B PHSM_131_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1930S ERA   Fern Valley grade school, another class circa 1930s                Fern Valley School was a one room school house located across I5 where Fern Valley Road is now                            193u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_133_CLUBS.TIF   SCHOOLS — 1930S ERA   Fern Valley grade school, another class circa 1930s                Children in rows, with teacher at the side                             193u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_151_B_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS — 1930S ERA   Freshman, sophmore, junior, senior class names,and faculty           Names of students in group photo                          1933

FILECABINET1B PHSM_105_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1930S ERA   Names of Phoenix High School students               List of Phoenix High School students names                                193u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_102_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1930S ERA   Phoenix 7th grade school group 1930      Group of 7th grade students standing. 1930 (note on photo 850)                  1930

FILECABINET1B PHSM_101_A_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS — 1930S ERA   Phoenix High School group 1931-32         Group of high school students standing in front of school                 1932

FILECABINET1B PHSM_101_B_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS — 1930S ERA   Phoenix High School group 1931-32, back              List of names of students                     1932

FILECABINET1B PHSM_103_A_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS — 1930S ERA   Phoenix High School group ca.1930’s       Group of High School students standing in front of school ca.1930’s                             193u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_103_B_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS — 1930S ERA   Phoenix High School group ca.1930’s, back           List of names of students, ca 1930’s                 193u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_104_A_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS — 1930S ERA   Phoenix High School group, ca.193?         Group of High School students standing in front of school                                193u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_104_B_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS — 1930S ERA   Phoenix High School group, ca.193?, back             List of names os students, ca. 193?                  193u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_106_A_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS — 1930S ERA   Phoenix High School students 1933          High School students standing in front of school 1933                              1933

FILECABINET1B PHSM_106_B_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS — 1930S ERA   Phoenix High School students 1934, back              List of names of High School students 1933                  1933

FILECABINET1B PHSM_658_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1930S ERA   Phoenix School, full student body circa 1930s      Students and teachers standing in front of school                                193u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_151_A_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS — 1930S ERA   Where you and I went to skool in 1933, Phoenix High       Group of students in front of building; #16 noted on photo                          1933

FILECABINET1B PHSM_459_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   1942 class photo, Phoenix High School                                    1942

FILECABINET1B PHSM_124_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Dolly Glover       Woman in majorette uniform, labeled Dolly Glover       Glover, Dolly      194u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_122_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Marita Furry       Woman in majorette uniform with baton standing in front of tree   Furry, Marita      194u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_112_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix 5th grade class Jan Jan. 30, 1941; students named  Group of 5th grade students standing in front of school, dated Jan. 30, 1941                        1941

FILECABINET1B PHSM_113_A_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix 5th grade class, Jan. 30, 1941     Group of 5th grade students standing in front of school, dated Jan. 30, 1941                           1941

FILECABINET1B PHSM_113_B_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix 5th grade class, Jan. 30, 1941, back         List of names of students                     1941

FILECABINET1B PHSM_115_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix 6 grade class, Jan. 21, 1942         Phoenix 6 grade class, Jan. 21, 1942, names written on front                             1942

FILECABINET1B PHSM_129_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix basketball team              Raymond Furry in center of 5 boys with coach         Furry, Raymond                1917

FILECABINET1B PHSM_111_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix grade school Jan. 21, 1942          Group of grade school students dated Jan. 21, 1942                            1942

FILECABINET1B PHSM_110_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix grade school Jan. 30, 1941          Group of grade school students dated Jan. 30,1941,                            1941

FILECABINET1B PHSM_125_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix grade school students, 1941      Group of students, photo dated Jan. 30, 1941                        1941

FILECABINET1B PHSM_127_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix grade school, 1938-1939, first or second grade    Group of standing children                          193u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_128_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix grade school, first or second grade                Students standing in tiered rows in front of building; teacher at top                         1890

FILECABINET1B PHSM_580_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix High School boys track team lined up to race       Leo Furry written on verso                          194u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_579_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix High School boys track team with two coaches standing to side               Leo Furry written on verso                          194u

ROLODEX             PHSM_506_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix High School Class of 1940                                            1940

FILECABINET1B PHSM_180_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix High School class of 1946             Hollywood School Photo Association stamped on back; students named: Otto Caster, Bull Tompkins, Wesley Claflin, Donna Johnson, Wayne Leonardo, Ione Elrod, Kathleen ?                              1946

ROLODEX             PHSM_508_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix High School Pep Club, 1941                                        1941

FILECABINET1B PHSM_126_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix High School students 1940          Group of students in front of Phoenix High School                               1940

FILECABINET1B PHSM_119_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix High school students, 1941         Phoenix High School students standing in front of school                                1941

FILECABINET1B PHSM_120_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix High School students, circa 1940s                Phoenix High School students, 1940s                      194u

ROLODEX             PHSM_507_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix High School, 1941                                           1941

FILECABINET1B PHSM_657_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix School 3d Grade Class, 1941       Classroom, students seated, teacher standing in the back; handwritten on verso Jack Crenshaw, May Barnes, Fred Furry; names on verso of copy as well                        1941

FILECABINET1B PHSM_656_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix School 3rd Grade Class, 1941     Handwritten on verso Richard Stein?, Victoria, Nannette, Peter, Gary? Dudley, Linda, Fred, Patrick, Janet, Beverly                            1941

FILECABINET1B PHSM_654_A_PEOPLE.TIF           SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix School 3rd Grade Class, Jan. 21, 1942                Names handwritten on verso PHSM_655.TIF                      1942

FILECABINET1B PHSM_654_B_PEOPLE.TIF           SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix School 3rd Grade Class, Jan. 21, 1942 BACK                Names of students in PHSM_654.TIF                      1942

FILECABINET1B PHSM_116_A_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix school 6th grade class, 1942       Phoenix 6th grade class, Jan. 21, 1942                              1942

FILECABINET1B PHSM_116_B_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix school 6th grade class, 1942 names, back                List of names of students, dated January 21, 1942                             1942

FILECABINET1B PHSM_121_A_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix Sophomore class 1946  Phoenix Sophomore class standing in front of school 1946                              1946

FILECABINET1B PHSM_121_B_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix Sophomore class 1946 names, back       List of names from Sophomore class 1946                    1946

FILECABINET1B PHSM_114_A_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix students , circa 1940’s   Group of students standing in front of school, 1940’s (89-8)                                194u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_117_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix students, 1930s or 1940s             Group of Phoenix students standing in front of High School, circa 1930s or 1940s                   193u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_118_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix students, 1930s or 1940s             Standing group of Phoenix students, circa 1930s or 1940s                 193u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_114_B_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Phoenix students, circa 1940s back          Text regarding proof pictures                               194u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_109_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Reedy “prof”     small picture of man, labeled (Reedy ‘prof)                     194u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_108_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Senior Skip Day Phoenix High School 1940                Group of studets for skip day, Phoenix High School 1940                               1940

FILECABINET1B PHSM_123_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1940S ERA   Twila Ferns         Woman in majorette uniform, labeled Twila Ferna         Ferns, Twila        194u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_184_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1950S ERA   AB EDIT TO SEPARATE; Phoenix High School class portraits, 1956-1957        27 photos pasted to card stock, with names under many                               1957

FILECABINET1B PHSM_186_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1950S ERA   AB EDIT TO SEPARATE; Phoenix School 6th grade class portraits, 1953-1954              25 photos pasted to card stock, with names under many; Mrs. Sloan top left of assemblage; note on back “Poems – Robin Barnes and Linda” for poems see Barnes, Robin collection                                1954

FILECABINET1B PHSM_185_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1950S ERA   AB EDIT TO SEPARATE; Phoenix School 6th grade class portraits, 1958-1959              22 photos pasted to card stock, with names under many; Mrs. Sloan photo in bottom right                                1959

FILECABINET1B PHSM_182_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1950S ERA   Edith Thompson’s Phoenix third grade class, early 1950s     Students standing together in a group                   195u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_178_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1950S ERA   From left to right, Fred Wilcox and David Williams, a music act at Southern Oregon College    Two males in costume with musical instruments; photographed outside                               1942

FILECABINET1B PHSM_177_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1950S ERA   Future Homemakers of America group photo, 1950                23 female students in tiered photo with teacher to left in second row                    1950

FILECABINET1B PHSM_176_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1950S ERA   Girls Athletic Association group photo, 1950                Women, many in letter sweaters and saddle shoes in tiered photo with teacher to side in pearls                               1950

FILECABINET1B PHSM_183_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1950S ERA   Hawaiian luau, three photos on black card stock                Three photos, each a group of children with leis, one photo girls in mumus too                  195u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_179_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1950S ERA   Modeling school projects outside Phoenix grade school, real sack dresses, 1958   Left to right: Lona Taylor, Pamela Grove, Barbara Watson, Jocelyn Six                     1958

FILECABINET1B PHSM_175_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1950S ERA   Phoenix elementary school class, 1963-1965, Grade 6 Mrs. Sloan       Composite class photos, some noted with handwritten names                  1962

FILECABINET1B PHSM_174_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1950S ERA   Phoenix grade school square dance in gym, 1954                Boys and girls in sneakers and socks                        1954

FILECABINET1B PHSM_169_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1950S ERA   Phoenix High School baseball team and coach                Students in uniform seated on steps, coach seated to left                            1951

FILECABINET1B PHSM_181_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1950S ERA   Phoenix High School basketball team, 1950          12 students in uniform, coach to left                             1950

FILECABINET1B PHSM_172_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1950S ERA   Phoenix High School senior prom, late 1950s                Photographed in the gym, grates on windows, streamers and flowers; students and teachers in formal dress, women mostly seated and all with corsages                        195u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_173_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1950S ERA   Phoenix High School yell leaders and mascot, Sid Yarnell  Three women in uniform with P letter sweater and saddle shoes, posed kneeling and facing camera, young boy is mascot                 1950

FILECABINET1B PHSM_171_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1950S ERA   Phoenix School Oregon, Oct. 1954, Mrs. Sloan, Grade 6                Composite class photos, some noted with handwritten names                  1954

FILECABINET1B PHSM_663_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Boys standing in front of tree     Damaged                             19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_617_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Crowd on bleachers, June 1965                                 1965

FILECABINET1B PHSM_664_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Crowd seated on low wall            Damaged                             19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_164_A_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Football Program, Phoenix vs. Eagle Point, September 27, 1969        4 page, black and white folded program, students named with position, height, weight, class; coaching staff, cheer leaders, referees gestures; contributors to the scoreboard named; advertisers                      1969

FILECABINET1B PHSM_165_A_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Football Program, Phoenix vs. St. Mary’s September 20, 1968                4 page, color folded program, students named with position, weight, class, sponosrs, refereers signames, Coca Cola advertising                     1968

FILECABINET1B PHSM_661_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Jackson Hot Springs, youth in pool, inner tubes  Damaged                                19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_170_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Mr. Bertrand, 7th grade teacher                                               1960

FILECABINET1B PHSM_166_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Mr. Kanasto, band teacher          edit to separate photos                  1960

FILECABINET1B PHSM_167_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Mr. Wilson, 8th grade teacher                                    1960

FILECABINET1B PHSM_168_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Mrs. Sloan, 6th grade teacher                                    1960

FILECABINET1B PHSM_163_B_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Phoenix Elementary, 1959-1960, Grade 6, Mrs. Sloan, back         Handwritten notes from named students to their teacher, keyed by number to the portraits                      1960

FILECABINET1B PHSM_163_A_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Phoenix Elementary, 1959-1960, Grade 6, Mrs. Sloan, front        A composite of 14 students and their teacher, Mrs. Sloan. Photos are identified by number with notes as to future life, as “married,” “killed,” or in college                    1960

FILECABINET1B PHSM_608_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Phoenix elementry school classroom, Hawaiian festival, June 1965                                            1965

FILECABINET1B PHSM_609_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Phoenix elementry school classroom, Hawaiian festival, June 1965                                            1965

FILECABINET1B PHSM_620_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Phoenix elementry school classroom, Hawaiian festival, May 1965                                             1965

FILECABINET1B PHSM_610_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Phoenix elementry school teacher, Hawaiian festival, June 1965                                       1965

FILECABINET1B PHSM_611_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Phoenix elementry school, two girls in costume, Hawaiian festival, June 1965                                           1965

FILECABINET1B PHSM_162_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Phoenix Middle School graduation, 1962                Students in robes and mortar board standing tiered on a stage. Dorothy Cotton, third row from bottom, 6th from left; stamped Brainerd Camera, Medford on verso                          1962

FILECABINET1B PHSM_612_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Students and teacher in crowd outside Phoenix elementary school, June 1965                                             1965

FILECABINET1B PHSM_616_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Students and teacher in crowd outside, June 1965                                           1965

FILECABINET1B PHSM_613_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Students in crowd at sidewalk, June 1965                                             1965

FILECABINET1B PHSM_618_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Students in crowd outside Phoenix elementary school, June 1965                                       1965

FILECABINET1B PHSM_621_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Students in crowd outside Phoenix elementary school, June 1965                                       1965

FILECABINET1B PHSM_619_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Students in crowd, girl holding book [poor focus], June 1965                                                1965

FILECABINET1B PHSM_662_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Students seated on classroom floow with leis, costumes and lunch            Damaged                             19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_614_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   Two boys on sidewalk, June 1965                                             1965

FILECABINET1B PHSM_615_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — 1960S ERA   View from bleachers of girls at track starting line, June 1965                                                1965

FILECABINET1B PHSM_197_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — 1970S ERA   Phoenix Elementary School, 1972             A later remodel showing the coupula removed; located on Rose Street, demolished for new grade school                          1972

FILECABINET1B PHSM_400_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — COMMENCEMENT  Phoenix High School baccalaureate service, May 19, 1940      At the Phoenix Presybterian Church; folded program; graduating class listed                       1940

FILECABINET1B PHSM_391_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — COMMENCEMENT  Phoenix High School commencement exercises program, May 18, 1923              Folded program; PHSM accession # 2010.2C                        1923

FILECABINET1B PHSM_392_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — COMMENCEMENT  Phoenix High School commencement exercises program, May 18, 1923              Miss Naomi N. Montgomery’s card; Folded program; PHSM accession # 2010.2E                                1934

FILECABINET1B PHSM_393_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — COMMENCEMENT  Phoenix High School commencement exercises program, May 18, 1923              Adeline Irene Stedman’s card; Folded program and envelope; PHSM accession #2010.2G; 2 copies                          1937

FILECABINET1B PHSM_394_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — COMMENCEMENT  Phoenix High School commencement exercises program, May 18, 1923              Miss Maxine Cobleigh’s card; Folded program; PHSM accession # 210.2F                                1936

FILECABINET1B PHSM_395_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — COMMENCEMENT  Phoenix High School commencement exercises program, May 19, 1933              Half sheet program; graduating class listed                           1933

FILECABINET1B PHSM_396_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — COMMENCEMENT  Phoenix High School commencement exercises program, May 24, 1940              Half sheet program; graduating class listed; PHSM accession # 2015.05.03                              1940

FILECABINET1B PHSM_397_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — COMMENCEMENT  Phoenix High School commencement exercises program, May 25, 1934              Half sheet program; 2 copies; graduating class listed                        1934

FILECABINET1B PHSM_398_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — COMMENCEMENT  Phoenix High School commencement exercises program, May 28, 1942              Half sheet program; 2 copies; graduating class listed; PHSM accession #2010.2H                 1942

FILECABINET1B PHSM_399_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — COMMENCEMENT  Phoenix High School commencement invitation, May 28, 1942                Folded card; graduating class listed                          1942

FILECABINET1B PHSM_403_AB_SCHOOLS.TIF     SCHOOLS — COMMENCEMENT  Phoenix High School commencement speech, Patty Furry, June 1942  Typed 2 page document                               1942

FILECABINET1B PHSM_390_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — COMMENCEMENT  Phoenix High School fourth annual commencement program, May 19, 1921               Folded program; PHSM accession # 2010.2B                        1921

FILECABINET1B PHSM_401_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — COMMENCEMENT  Phoenix High School Junior Prom invitation, April 10, 1971     At the Mark Antony Hotel, Ashland                         1971

FILECABINET1B PHSM_389_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — MISCELLANEOUS     Let’s Turn Back a Few Years, Did You Know? School history    Phoenix Activity Calendar January 1966 pages 7-8                             1966

FILECABINET1B PHSM_159_SCHOOLS.PDF           SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Commencement program Phoenix Public School 1905        Commencement program 8th grade, Phoenix Public School dated April 28, 1905                                1905

FILECABINET1B PHSM_160_SCHOOLS.PDF           SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Commencement Program SONS 1906                Commencement program SONS Oregon State Normal School, 23rd. annual commencement, Ashland Oregon                    1906

FILECABINET1B PHSM_142_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Dorothy Corliss, formal portrait School photo, circa 191?              Corliss, Dorothy                191u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_143_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Edith Gore, formal portrait          School photo, circa 191?              Gore, Edith         191u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_146_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Edna Hilderbrand portrait                             Hilderbrand, Edna            193u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_161_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Fern Valley School, District 99, Jackson County, Oregon                CD of photos and text of a printed work by the same name         Carr, Karen         2013

KANTOR               PHSM_727_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Greetings from Phoenix Ore; first school house; photo postcard Square frame building with cupola, children standing near front stairs                     19uu

KANTOR               PHSM_730_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Independence School, 8th grade, Medford Oregon; real photo postcard        Children and teacher in classroom; adjoined our 3 Oaks Ranch at Medford, Oregon, 1911. Independence School 8 grades – one room                          1911

FILECABINET1B PHSM_156_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          List of names from unknown photo         List of names from unknown photo from school, ca.1930’s ?                                193u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_157_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          List of names from unknown photo         List of names from unknown photo from school, ca.1930’s ?                                193u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_141_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Margaret Sheets, formal portrait                School photo, circa 191?                Sheets, Margaret             191u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_147_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Mildred Bolz portrait                      Bolz, Mildred                193u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_140_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Mildred Ward, formal portrait    School photo, circa 191?              Ward, Mildred   191u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_155_B_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Phoenix High School class names, 1919                Sylvester Stevens FD#1 Talent Oregon on verso; names of students in photo; Talent?                    1919

FILECABINET1B PHSM_155_A_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Phoenix High School class, 1919 Students standing at entrance with teachers                          1919

FILECABINET1B PHSM_138_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Phoenix High School, 1919           Older students with teacher in front of building; one student holds Seal of Oregon                       1919

FILECABINET1B PHSM_198_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Phoenix School Likely built 1907 or 1908 with many remodels; this one likely the 1935 remodel; students at play in school yard                              190u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_199_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Phoenix School Likely built 1907 or 1908 with many remodels; the 1935 remodel                          190u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_148_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Phoenix school class, 1891           Large group of students tiered in front of building                     1891

FILECABINET1B PHSM_153_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Phoenix school class, 1911           Arrow points to Owen Myers in back row           Myers, Owen    1911

FILECABINET1B PHSM_152_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Phoenix school class, 1912           Owen Myers far right back row               Myers, Owen    1912

FILECABINET1B PHSM_149_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Phoenix school class, circa 1890s                Group of older students standing tiered in front of building with teacher                              189u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_150_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Phoenix school class, circa 1890s                Group of younger students standing tiered in front of building                   189u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_154_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Phoenix school classroom with students                Photo dated on back 1890 but more likely later                  1890

FILECABINET1B PHSM_139_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Phoenix School first and second grades, 1919       Students standing in two rols in front of building with teacher                    1919

FILECABINET1B PHSM_200_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Phoenix School, 1892     Students standing outside frame building replaced in 1907 or 1908 by a 2 story brick building                             1892

FILECABINET1B PHSM_135_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Phoenix School, 1917     Mid-distance photo of students and teachers in front of Phoenix School, at the entrance                      1917

FILECABINET1B PHSM_145_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Phoenix school, 7th and 8th grades, 1919                Mildred Bolz, front row, 2d from left       Bolz, Mildred     1919

FILECABINET1B PHSM_1003_SCHOOLS.TIF           SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Phoenix school, ca 1910-1920     Brick School Building                                19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_137_A_SCHOOLS.TIF       SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Phoenix School, February 1894  Large group of students standing outside building, three teachers                     1894

FILECABINET1B PHSM_137_B_SCHOOLS.TIF        SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Phoenix School, February 1894 back        List of names: Elaine 14, Harry 12, Nellie 10, Susie? 10, Annie 16, Molly 13, Jessie 14                  1894

FILECABINET1B PHSM_136_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Phoenix School, late 1890s           Students standing in tiered rows in front of building; teacher at top                            189u

KANTOR               PHSM_728_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Phoenix School; second school house; real photo postcard              Brick building with inset door                      190u

KANTOR               PHSM_729_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Public School, Phoenix Oregon; second school house; real photo postcard         Brick building with inset door; alternate photo from same perspective as PHSM_728                       191u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_158_SCHOOLS.PDF           SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Souvenir school District No. 4 Phoenix Oregon 1896-1897           Presented by Zella R. Cheney, teacher / Directors, HS Stancliffe, LA Rose, JR Reames,                     1897

FILECABINET1B PHSM_671_PEOPLE.TIF SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Tom Thumb wedding held in Phoenix School around 1916       Stancliffe handwritten on verso                                191u

FILECABINET1B PHSM_196_SCHOOLS.TIF             SCHOOLS — PRE-1920S ERA          Windy Point School, Fern Valley District 99                School was located off Royal Crest Road on Kneuwtson? Creek noted on photo; in operation between 1900-1908; located at 995 Suncrest Road, Talent near intersection of Payne and Suncrest Roads; Historian Jan Wright names this building as the Universal Mental Liberty Hall built in 1880 and used as a spiritual and community center and school                            19uu

KANTOR               PHSM_768_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON      Bell House Board and Lodging; photo postcard              Man standing inside fence in front of wooden building; postmarked Talent, Oregon (presumed Talent, Oregon)                               1910

ROLODEX             PHSM_462_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON      Central Fire Hall, automobile in parade with flags, real photo postcard             Cancelled in Butte Falls, Oregon; addressed to Bert Stancliffe                     190u

ROLODEX             PHSM_532_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON      Jackson Hot Springs, children in the pool                                                19uu

ROLODEX             PHSM_463_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON      Jackson Hot Springs, children playing in pool, hot springs              Photo damaged; same set as PHSM 480                                18uu

KANTOR               PHSM_752_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON      Motor bus on Pacific Highway Between Ashland and Medford; CS260; real photo postcard           Motor bus with seated people; Central Point sign on bus; electric poles                     191u

ROLODEX             PHSM_533_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON      names on back of #502                                  19uu

FILECABINET1B PHSM_679_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON      Rapid Savage Dam on Rogue River Near Grants Pass Oregon Real Photo Postcard              People standing along fence; constructed in 1921 and used for irrigation purposes; removed in 2009                         195u

KANTOR               PHSM_780_SOUTHERN_OREGON.PDF  SOUTHERN OREGON      Way-Bill California and Oregon United States Mail Line Portland and Yreka Thursday November 1, 1866 Oregon Stage Company, L.B. Tucker Driver                         Notes arrival and departure times going North as well as the names, where from, destination, payment, by whom received; notes 2 John Cina         1866

KANTOR               PHSM_779_SOUTHERN_OREGON.PDF  SOUTHERN OREGON      Way-Bill California and Oregon United States Mail Line Portland and Yreka Wednesday July 11, 1866 Oregon Stage Company, M Maves? Driver                                Notes arrival and departure times going South as well as the names, where from, destination, payment, by whom received; notes 2 John Chna       1866

KANTOR               PHSM_758_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — ASHLAND             Jackon’s Hot Springs, boys swimming; real photo postcard 425         View of the hot springs, yet undeveloped                            1922

KANTOR               PHSM_760_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — ASHLAND             Jackson Hot Springs Warm Mineral Plunge Open All Year Suits to Rent; photograph                Interior of hot springs, developed; bathing pool at Ashland, Ore 1927                              1927

KANTOR               PHSM_757_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — ASHLAND             Jackson’s Big Hot Spring Ashland Oregon; CS217; real photo postcard       The land of a thousand healing mineral springs; view from street, yet undeveloped                     1920

KANTOR               PHSM_756_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — ASHLAND             Jackson’s Hot Mineral Springs from SPRR; CS222; real photo postcard   View from above the springs, yet undeveloped                                1915

KANTOR               PHSM_773_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — ASHLAND             McCalister Springs Oregon camp; photo postcard    McCallister Spring, south of Ashland in the Colestein Valley                         191u

KANTOR               PHSM_759_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — ASHLAND             Swimming in Jackson’s Big Hot Spring Ashland Oregon CS 195           Boys swimming in the hot springs, yet undeveloped                       191u

KANTOR               PHSM_775_A_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF               SOUTHERN OREGON — CLIMAX Young couple in horse and buggy in front of frame house where people are standing on the porch; photo postcard               Young couple in horse and buggy in front of frame home where people are standing                            1909

KANTOR               PHSM_775_B_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF               SOUTHERN OREGON — CLIMAX Young couple in horse and buggy in front of frame house where people are standing on the porch; verso; photo postcard  Well, here we are. Those on the porch, beginning at the left, as you look at the picture are Gertie’s sister in law, Jim Carnaut’s sister, Gertie, and John Clark’s wife – where we ate Thansgiving dinner…                              1909

KANTOR               PHSM_737_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT A Business Corner Talent Ore K-G #224; real photo postcard            Street scene; men standing , two automobiles, RL Burdic Co sign, Drug Store, Furniture, Bakery Lunch Room stores                          191u

KANTOR               PHSM_748_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Ames Building, Talent Oregon; real photo postcard Same building as in PHSM_736-739; Ames bilding build 1914/15 by Albert and Lena Ames; IOOF lodge upstairs; Talent Mercantile, Rexall drug store      Ames, Albert; Ames, Lena           191u

KANTOR               PHSM_750_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Bagley Canning Co., Talent Ore; real photo postcard People standing on dock, packing boxes on dock, horses                              191u

KANTOR               PHSM_747_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Bear Creek Bridge Talent, Oregon; real photo postcard        People standing on bridge, children on creek bank                           191u

KANTOR               PHSM_766_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Birds-Eye View of Talent, Ore.; real photo postcard View to the southwest                  191u

KANTOR               PHSM_767_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Birds-Eye View of Talent, Ore.; real photo postcard View to the northeast                   191u

KANTOR               PHSM_751_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT E.K. Anderson home on Colver Road, Talent; stereoscopic view card      Children standing in foreground of elaborate wooden home; woman on porch                  18uu

KANTOR               PHSM_753_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Eagle Mill Bridge over Bear Creek, taken May 9, 1924; photograph Not in use; probably taken down in 1924                               1924

KANTOR               PHSM_734_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Family group seated in automobile in front of Welborn Beeson’s home; photo postcard; Walmutsmere        Foss family bought house from Welborn Beeson                                191u

KANTOR               PHSM_741_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Main Street Talent Oregon; real photo postcard Street scene, electric poles, Valley Hotel, people on wooden sidewalk in front of building                             191u

KANTOR               PHSM_733_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Mount Wagner, Talent Oregon real photo postcard Two story frame house with snow covered mountains in background                     191u

KANTOR               PHSM_749_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT No 11 Bagley Canning Co., Talent Ore; real photo postcard              Building on rail road tracks, water tower in back                 1917

KANTOR               PHSM_738_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT No 12 Hotel Ames of Business Block Talent Ore; real photo postcard Street scene; Talent Merchandise Co General Merchandise banner                         191u

KANTOR               PHSM_763_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT No 3 Public School, Talent, Ore.; real photo postcard Children and teachers standing in front of school, building constructed 1911                        191u

KANTOR               PHSM_762_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT No 4 Public School, Talent, Ore; real photo postcard Two people standing in front of school, building constructed 1911                            191u

KANTOR               PHSM_736_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT No 8 Business Block, Talent, Ore; real photo postcard        Men standing in front of building, horse and buggy, unpaved street, telephone pole                      191u

KANTOR               PHSM_761_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Public School Talent Ore K-C #222; real photo postcard        Brick school building constructed 1911, horse and wagon along side                         1912

KANTOR               PHSM_769_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Resmore Motel – Highway 99 – 1 Mile South of Talent, Oregon; white border postcard                                      1960

KANTOR               PHSM_774_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Summer house of Chas Terrill; photo postcard Presumed Talent, Oregon because of postmark and photographer; cabin surrounded by forest, fence, two boys standing; Charles Terrill was Jackson County Sheriff in the 1920s                     191u

KANTOR               PHSM_771_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Suncrest Road, Bear Creek aerial view, I5 highway construction in progress; photograph  Ben Hart then Holden house                      195u

KANTOR               PHSM_770_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Suncrest Road, Bear Creek aerial view, I5 highway construction not yet started     Ben Hart then Holden house                      195u

KANTOR               PHSM_772_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Suncrest Road, Bear Creek, aerial view, I5 highway construction in progress; photograph  Ben Hart then Holden house                      195u

KANTOR               PHSM_745_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Talent Cornet Band; real photo postcard              Men in suits standing with instruments                 191u

KANTOR               PHSM_754_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Talent Fire Department, fire engine in parade; photograph   People seated in fire engine, man seated at siren on top, crowds along the street                            194u

KANTOR               PHSM_777_SOUTHERN_OREGON.PDF  SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Talent Hi Life, February 16, 1939                Talent High School newsletter                    1939

KANTOR               PHSM_743_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Talent Ore 140; birdseye view; real photo postcard Street scene; same perspective as PHSM_743                    191u

KANTOR               PHSM_742_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Talent Ore From School K-G #226; real photo postcard        Street scene; same perspective as PHSM_734                    1912

KANTOR               PHSM_755_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Talent Oregon fields, mountains; real photo postcard        Panorama                           1913

KANTOR               PHSM_739_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Talent Oregon, Hotel, Talent Mercantile Co, railroad tracks; real photo postcard           Street scene                      191u

KANTOR               PHSM_740_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Talent Oregon, IOOF MWA 1906 G.A. Gardner Confectionary & Lunches, Post; real photo postcard            Street scene with automobile and crowd in front of building                                191u

KANTOR               PHSM_764_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Talent Public School 1898; photo postcard              Wooden school building with bell tower                                1903

KANTOR               PHSM_765_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Talent Public School 1898; photo postcard              Children standing informally in school yard                           190u

KANTOR               PHSM_735_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Welborn Beeson’s home; photo postcard              Welborn Beeson’s home with water tower and windmill, new orchard, fencing, dirt road; snow covered mountain in background                               1909

KANTOR               PHSM_744_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — TALENT Young man in tie and hat holding horse reins in field; photo postcard                                         191u

ROLODEX             PHSM_512_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — WAGON TRAIN RE-ENACTMENT                Applegate Trail Reenactment     Woman in period dress next to horse and wagon                             1996

ROLODEX             PHSM_513_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — WAGON TRAIN RE-ENACTMENT                Applegate Trail Reenactment     Man in period dress feeding horse                          1996

ROLODEX             PHSM_514_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — WAGON TRAIN RE-ENACTMENT                Applegate Trail Reenactment     People in period dress next to wagon train wagon                           1996

ROLODEX             PHSM_515_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — WAGON TRAIN RE-ENACTMENT                Applegate Trail Reenactment     Woman in period dress next to horse and wagon                             1996

ROLODEX1          PHSM_268_SOUTHERN_OREGON.TIF    SOUTHERN OREGON — WAGON TRAIN RE-ENACTMENT                Oregon Trail re-enactment horse drawn wagon Elect Kinnan Sheriff, Oktoberfest banner                              1996

KANTOR               PHSM_707_STREET_SCENES.TIF                STREET SCENES Aerial view of Phoenix, Oregon after Main Street split        Photo likely taken from aircraft                 19uu

KANTOR               PHSM_699_B_STREET_SCENES.TIF          STREET SCENES Birdseye view, Phoenix, Ore verso; real photo postcard              A general view of Phoenix you can see the school house in the fore ground                        191u

KANTOR               PHSM_699_A_STREET_SCENES.TIF          STREET SCENES Birdseye view, Phoenix, Ore; real photo postcard                No. 1                     191u

KANTOR               PHSM_706_A_STREET_SCENES.TIF          STREET SCENES Bridge at Phoenix, Ore; real photo postcard        No 8; wooden bridge on concrete footings; horse on bridge                               19uu

KANTOR               PHSM_706_B_STREET_SCENES.TIF          STREET SCENES Bridge at Phoenix, Ore; verso; real photo postcard                This bridge crosses Bear Creek this is where Fred was working                   19uu

KANTOR               PHSM_704_A_STREET_SCENES.TIF          STREET SCENES Greetings from Phoenix Ore; main street; photo postcard              Dunlap groceries, meat market; unpaved roads, men on raised sidewalk                               191u

KANTOR               PHSM_704_B_STREET_SCENES.TIF          STREET SCENES Greetings from Phoenix Ore; main street; photo postcard              Dear Little Gertrude, Many thanks for the xmas ?. Wishing you happy new year. Your friend, Mrs. Blackwood. Addaressed to Miss Gertrude I. Hargrave Medford Oregon                 191u

KANTOR               PHSM_705_A_STREET_SCENES.TIF          STREET SCENES Greetings from Phoenix Ore; main street; photo postcard              Print from same negative as PHSM_704                                191u

KANTOR               PHSM_705_B_STREET_SCENES.TIF          STREET SCENES Greetings from Phoenix Ore; main street; photo postcard              Not written or addressed; sailing ship with details stamp block                   191u

KANTOR               PHSM_702_B_STREET_SCENES.TIF          STREET SCENES Phoenix Oregon aerial view circa 1911 verso; real photo postcard Mr. S. Colver and his shepard dog standing there looking over the country. I have put a square where my place is. AZO square stamp block triang.e corners                             191u

KANTOR               PHSM_702_A_STREET_SCENES.TIF          STREET SCENES Phoenix Oregon aerial view circa 1911; real photo postcard              No 3 Scene at Phoenix, Ore.                       191u